Start DHCP Manager on the server to which you imported data.
See How to Start and Stop DHCP Manager for information about DHCP Manager.
Examine imported data for network-specific information that needs modification.
For example, if you moved networks, you must open the Addresses tab and change the owning server of addresses in the imported networks. You might also need to open the Macros tab to specify the correct domain names for NIS, NIS+ or DNS in some macros.
Open the Addresses, tab and select a network that you imported.
To select all the addresses, click the first address, press and hold the Shift key, and click the last address.
From the Edit menu, choose Properties.
The Modify Multiple Addresses dialog box opens.
At the Managing Server prompt, select the new server's name.
At the Configuration Macro prompt, select the macro that should be used for all clients on this network, and then click OK.
Open the Macros tab.
Use the Find button to locate the options that are likely to need modified values.
The Find button is located at the bottom of the window.
DNSdmain, DNSserv, NISservs, NIS+serv, and NISdmain are examples of options that might need modification on the new server.
Change the options in the appropriate macros.
See How to Modify DHCP Option Properties (DHCP Manager) for the procedure for changing options.