System Administration Guide: Network Services

Major Tasks for Setting Up the Dial-up PPP Link (Task Map)

You set up the dial-up PPP link by configuring modems, modifying network database files, and modifying the PPP configuration files that are described in Table 22–1.

The next table lists the major tasks to configure both sides of a dial-up PPP link. Typically, you configure only one end of the link, either the dial-out machine or dial-in server.

Table 17–1 Task Map for Setting Up the Dial-up PPP Link



For Instructions 

1. Gather preconfiguration information 

Gather data that is needed prior to setting up the link, such as peer host names, target phone numbers, and modem speed. 

Planning a Dial-up PPP Link

2. Configure the dial-out machine 

Set up PPP on the machine that makes the call over the link. 

Table 17–2

3. Configure the dial-in server 

Set up PPP on the machine that receives incoming calls. 

Table 17–3

4. Call the dial-in server 

Type the pppd command to initiate communications.

How to Call the Dial-in Server