System Administration Guide: Network Services

Changes to the FTP Service for the Solaris 10 Release

The Solaris 10 release includes several changes to the FTP service. The changes include enhancements to the FTP server, and changes to the ftpcount, ftpwho and ftp commands.

The enhancements to the FTP server improve scalability and transfer logging. These options are covered in Configuration Help for Busy Sites and in the ftpaccess(4) man page. In specific:

In addition, ftpcount and ftpwho now support the -v option, which displays user counts and process information for FTP server classes defined in virtual host ftpaccess files. See the ftpcount(1) and ftpwho(1) man pages for more information.

The FTP client and server now support Kerberos. For more information refer to the ftp(4) man page and to Kerberos User Commands in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

The ftp command has been changed. By default, a Solaris FTP client connected to a Solaris FTP server lists both directories as well as plain files when the ls command is issued to the client. If the FTP server is not running in the Solaris OS, directories may not be listed. To allow for the default Solaris behavior when connecting to non-Solaris FTP servers, the /etc/default/ftp file can be edited appropriately on each Solaris client. To make the change for individual users, the FTP_LS_SENDS_NLST environment variable can be set to yes. For more information see the ftp(4) man page.

The ftpd daemon is managed by the Service Management Facility. Administrative actions on this service, such as enabling, disabling, or restarting, can be performed using the svcadm command. The service's status for all daemons can be queried using the svcs command. For an overview of the Service Management Facility, refer to Chapter 18, Managing Services (Overview), in System Administration Guide: Basic Administration.