System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP)

Part II DNS Setup and Administration

This part describes the configuration and administration of the BIND 9 DNS naming service in the Solaris OS.

Chapter 3 DNS Setup and Administration (Reference)

The Solaris Operating System (Solaris OS) ships with the BIND 9.x DNS name server. This chapter provides configuration and administration information related to using BIND 9 on the Solaris operating system. General BIND and DNS information is available from many other sources, including those listed in Related Materials.

This chapter covers the following topics.

Related Materials

For information about DNS and BIND administration, see the following documentation.

Migrating From BIND 8 to BIND 9

BIND 9 is upwards compatible with most BIND 8 features. However, there are still a number of caveats you should be aware of when upgrading an existing BIND 8 installation to use BIND 9. Be sure to read the entire Migration Notes document before installing and using BIND 9. The Migration Notes are available at /usr/share/doc/bind/migration.txt. Also, the BIND package names have changed to SUNWbind and SUNWbindr. The SUNWbindr package contains the DNS server manifest.

The following list presents a brief overview of the differences between BIND 8 and BIND 9. Details are available in the Migration Notes.

DNS and the Service Management Facility

The DNS/BIND named service can be managed by using the Service Management Facility (SMF). For an overview of SMF, refer to Chapter 18, Managing Services (Overview), in System Administration Guide: Basic Administration. Also refer to the svcadm(1M), svcs(1), and svccfg(1M) man pages for more details. Also review the DNS server manifest, server.xml, in /var/svc/manifest/network/dns.

While it is recommended that you use svcadm to administer the server, you can use rndc as well. SMF is aware of the state change of the BIND 9 named service, whether administered by using svcadm or rndc.

Note –

SMF will not be aware of the BIND 9 named service if the service is manually executed from the command line.

Implementing rndc

The BIND 8 ndc and BIND 9 rndc name server control tools are not backward compatible. rndc can not talk to the BIND 8 name server and ndc can not talk to the BIND 9 name server. Features, options, default modes of operation, and configuration file requirements have changed. Therefore, using ndc on a BIND 9 server could result in loss of functionality or insecure operation. See the rndc(1M) man page for more information.

The rndc.conf Configuration File

The most significant difference between ndc in BIND 8 and rndc in BIND 9 is that rndc needs its own configuration file, rndc.conf. This file can be generated by rndc-confgen commands. The rndc.conf file specifies which server controls and what algorithm the server should use.

Example 3–1 Sample rndc.conf File

options {
             default-server localhost;
             default-key "rndc-key";

     key "rndc-key" {
             algorithm hmac-md5;
             secret "qPWZ3Ndl81aBRY9AmJhVtU==";

Example 3–2 Sample named.conf File Entry for rndc

controls {
             inet * allow { any; } keys { "rndc-key"; };

     key "rndc-key" {
             algorithm hmac-md5;
             secret "qPWZ3Ndl81aBRY9AmJhVtU==";

Differences in the Control Channels

Both the ndc and the rndc utilities use a control channel to send commands to and retrieve information from a name server. However, there are differences between the utilities.

Commands of BIND 9 rndc

The following list describes the rndc commands.


Reload configuration file and zones

reload zone [class [view]]

Reload a single zone

refresh zone [class [view]]

Schedule immediate maintenance for a zone


Reload configuration file and new zones only


Write server statistics to the statistics file


Toggle query logging


Dump cache(s) to the dump file (named_dump.db)


Save pending updates to master files and stop the server


Stop the server without saving pending updates


Increment debugging level by one

trace level

Change the debugging level


Set debugging level to 0


Flushes all of the server's caches

flush [view]

Flushes the server's cache for a view


Display status of the server


Restart the server (not yet implemented)

BIND 9 Commands, Files, Tools, and Options

Some commands, files, tools, and options have remained the same in BIND 9 as they were in BIND 8. However, some have been modified and others have been added. This section describes many of the commands, files, tools, and options in BIND 9 and the new or modified behavior associated with each item.

BIND 9 Tools and Configuration Files

The following BIND 9.x tools are available with the Solaris operating system.














The following BIND 9.x configuration file is supported in Solaris 10 release.


Comparison of BIND 8 and BIND 9 Commands and Files

The table below compares BIND 8 and BIND 9 commands and configuration files.

BIND 8 Command 

BIND 9.x Replacement 
















named.conf [A detailed named.conf man page is not included with BIND 9.2.4. The named.conf Options includes a summary of the named.conf options that are supported in BIND 9.2.4.]



Descriptions of Command and Option Changes

All incompatibles listed below are BIND 8 features and interfaces that are not supported in the equivalent BIND 9 binary. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of the options, command line options, or features for any BIND 9.x binary.


Option Changes 


Some DNS name server in.named command line options are not supported.

In the BIND 9.x name server, the -g group_name, -q, -r and -w directory options are not supported, and -c config_file replaces the BIND 8.x -b config_file. See the named man page for further details.


dnskeygen in BIND 8.x, used to generate keys, and dnssec-keygen from BIND 9.x, have no common options. See the dnssec-keygen man page for further details.


ndc in BIND 8.x and rndc in BIND 9.x are significantly different. They share no common options and unlike ndc, rndc needs a configuration file in /etc/rndc.conf in order to run. See man pages for rndc, rndc.conf, and rndc-confgen for further details.


In BIND 9.x, the syntax of the -k option changes in nsupdate. Instead of -k keydir::keyname, the syntax is now k keyfile. The only other difference is that whereas a blank line was used to signal sending the input to the server, an explicit send subcommand is now used to do the same. See the nsupdate man page for further details.


The following options are unsupported in the 9.x version of BIND: help, host server, set ignoretc, set noignoretc, set srch[list]=N1[/N2/.../N6], set ro[ot]=host, root, finger [USER], ls [opt] DOMAIN [> FILE]


A detailed named.conf man page is not included with BIND 9.2.4. Several options are unsupported, not implemented, or have changed defaults. For a list of the option changes and a summary of all named.conf options that are supported in BIND 9.2.4, see The named.conf Options.

The named.conf Options

The following list compares the named.conf options between BIND 8 and BIND 9. It also provides a brief description of the changes. An OK in the Changes column denotes the option works unchanged for the BIND 9 version of named.

Options { 


[ version version_string; ] 


[ directory path_name; ] 


[ named-xfer path_name; ] 

Obsolete [Obsolete due to architectural differences.]

[ dump-file path_name; ] 


[ memstatistics-file path_name; ] 

Not Implemented 

[ pid-file path_name; ] 


[ statistics-file path_name; ] 


[ auth-nxdomain yes_or_no; ] 

OK [Default set to yes in BIND 8, no in BIND 9.]

[ dialup yes_or_no; 


[ fake-iquery yes_or_no; ] 


[ fetch-glue yes_or_no; ] 


[ has-old-clients yes_or_no; ] 


[ host-statistics yes_or_no; ] 

Not Implemented 

[ host-statistics-max number; ] 

Not Implemented 

[ multiple-cnames yes_or_no; ] 


[ notify yes_or_no | explicit; ] 


[ recursion yes_or_no; ] 


[ rfc2308-type1 yes_or_no; ] 

Not Implemented 

[ use-id-pool yes_or_no; ] 


[ treat-cr-as-space yes_or_no; ] 


[ also-notify yes_or_no; ] 

Syntax Changed [Needs an IP address for yes.]

[ forward ( only | first ); ] 

OK [Doesn't work if no forwarder specified; Gives an error of no matching 'forwarders' statement in that case.]

[ forwarders { [ in_addr ; \ 

[ in_addr ; ... ] ] }; ] 


OK [See [ forward ] clause.]

[ check-names ( master | slave | \ 

response ) ( warn | fail | ignore); ] 

Not Implemented 

[ allow-query { address_match_list }; ] 


[ allow-recursion { address_match_list }; ] 


[ allow-transfer { address_match_list }; ] 


[ blackhole { address_match_list }; ] 


[ listen-on [ port ip_port ] \ 

{ address_match_list }; ] 



[ query-source [ address ( ip_addr | * ) ] \ 


[ port ( ip_port | * ) ] ; ] 

[ lame-ttl number; ] 



[ max-transfer-time-in number; ] 


[ max-ncache-ttl number; ] 


[ min-roots number; ] 

Not Implemented 

[ transfer-format ( one-answer | \ 

many-answers ); ] 


OK [Default set to one-answer in BIND 8 and many-answers in BIND 9.]

[ transfers-in number; ] 


[ transfers-out number; ] 


[ transfers-per-ns number; ] 


[ transfer-source ip_addr; ] 


[ maintain-ixfr-base yes_or_no; ] 


[ max-ixfr-log-size number; ] 

Obsolete [No need for this option as BIND 9 trims the size of its log file automatically.]

[ coresize size_spec ; ] 


[ datasize size_spec ; ] 


[ files size_spec ; ] 


[ stacksize size_spec ; ] 


[ cleaning-interval number; ] 


[ heartbeat-interval number; ] 


[ interface-interval number; ] 


[ statistics-interval number; ] 

Not Implemented 

[ topology { address_match_list }; ] 

Not Implemented 

[ sortlist { address_match_list }; ] 


[ rrset-order { order_spec ; \ 

[ order_spec ; ... ] }; ] 


Not Implemented 



Statements in BIND 9

This section describes any differences between BIND 8 and BIND 9 statements.

The Controls Statement

unix is the default for ndc and all of the arguments are compiled in. inet is the only option for rndc and nothing is compiled in.

     controls {
       [ inet ip_addr
         port ip_port
         allow { address_match_list; }; ]	OK
       [ unix path_name
         perm number
         owner number
         group number; ]			Not Implemented

Logging syntax has changed significantly. See The named.conf Options for a list of named.conf options.

The Zone Statement

The syntax for the zone statement in the BIND 8 named.conf man page is.mostly supported for BIND 9 except for the following:

  [ pubkey number number number string; ]	Obsolete
  [ check-names ( warn | fail | ignore ); ]	Not Implemented

The ACL Statement

Works unchanged in BIND 9.

     acl name {

The Key Statement

Works unchanged in BIND 9.

     key key_id {
       algorithm algorithm_id;
       secret secret_string;

The Trusted-Keys Statement

Works unchanged, however the code to use this statement has been turned off in BIND 9.2.4.

     trusted-keys {
       [ domain_name flags protocol algorithm key; ]

The Server Statement

support-ixfr is obsolete, however all of the following options work unchanged in BIND 9. Note the default for transfer-format has changed.

     server ip_addr {
       [ bogus yes_or_no; ]
       [ transfers number; ]
       [ transfer-format ( one-answer | many-answers ); ]
       [ keys { key_id [ key_id ... ] }; ]
       [ edns yes_or_no; ]

The Include Statement

Works unchanged in BIND 9.

     include path_name;

Summary of the named.conf Options

A detailed named.conf man page is not included with BIND 9.2.4. Following is a summary of the named.conf options that are supported in BIND 9.2.4.

options  {
        blackhole { <address_match_element>; ... };
        coresize <size>;
        datasize <size>;
        deallocate-on-exit <boolean>; // obsolete
        directory <quoted_string>;
        dump-file <quoted_string>;
        fake-iquery <boolean>; // obsolete
        files <size>;
        has-old-clients <boolean>; // obsolete
        heartbeat-interval <integer>;
        host-statistics <boolean>; // not implemented
        host-statistics-max <integer>; // not implemented
        interface-interval <integer>;
        listen-on [ port <integer> ] { <address_match_element>; ... };
        listen-on-v6 [ port <integer> ] { <address_match_element>; ... };
        match-mapped-addresses <boolean>;
        memstatistics-file <quoted_string>; // not implemented
        multiple-cnames <boolean>; // obsolete
        named-xfer <quoted_string>; // obsolete
        pid-file <quoted_string>;
        port <integer>;
        random-device <quoted_string>;
        recursive-clients <integer>;
        rrset-order { [ class <string> ] [ type <string> ] [ name
            <quoted_string> ] <string> <string>; ... }; // not implemented
        serial-queries <integer>; // obsolete
        serial-query-rate <integer>;
        stacksize <size>;
        statistics-file <quoted_string>;
        statistics-interval <integer>; // not yet implemented
        tcp-clients <integer>;
        tkey-dhkey <quoted_string> <integer>;
        tkey-gssapi-credential <quoted_string>;
        tkey-domain <quoted_string>;
        transfers-per-ns <integer>;
        transfers-in <integer>;
        transfers-out <integer>;
        treat-cr-as-space <boolean>; // obsolete
        use-id-pool <boolean>; // obsolete
        use-ixfr <boolean>;
        version <quoted_string>;
        allow-recursion { <address_match_element>; ... };
        allow-v6-synthesis { <address_match_element>; ... };
        sortlist { <address_match_element>; ... };
        topology { <address_match_element>; ... }; // not implemented
        auth-nxdomain <boolean>; // default changed
        minimal-responses <boolean>;
        recursion <boolean>;
        provide-ixfr <boolean>;
        request-ixfr <boolean>;
        fetch-glue <boolean>; // obsolete
        rfc2308-type1 <boolean>; // not yet implemented
        additional-from-auth <boolean>;
        additional-from-cache <boolean>;
        query-source <querysource4>;
        query-source-v6 <querysource6>;
        cleaning-interval <integer>;
        min-roots <integer>; // not implemented
        lame-ttl <integer>;
        max-ncache-ttl <integer>;
        max-cache-ttl <integer>;
        transfer-format ( many-answers | one-answer );
        max-cache-size <size_no_default>;
        check-names <string> <string>; // not implemented
        cache-file <quoted_string>;
        allow-query { <address_match_element>; ... };
        allow-transfer { <address_match_element>; ... };
        allow-update-forwarding { <address_match_element>; ... };
        allow-notify { <address_match_element>; ... };
        notify <notifytype>;
        notify-source ( <ipv4_address> | * ) [ port ( <integer> | * ) ];
        notify-source-v6 ( <ipv6_address> | * ) [ port ( <integer> | * ) ];
        also-notify [ port <integer> ] { ( <ipv4_address> | <ipv6_address>
            ) [ port <integer> ]; ... };
        dialup <dialuptype>;
        forward ( first | only );
        forwarders [ port <integer> ] { ( <ipv4_address> | <ipv6_address> )
            [ port <integer> ]; ... };
        maintain-ixfr-base <boolean>; // obsolete
        max-ixfr-log-size <size>; // obsolete
        transfer-source ( <ipv4_address> | * ) [ port ( <integer> | * ) ];
        transfer-source-v6 ( <ipv6_address> | * ) [ port ( <integer> | * ) ];
        max-transfer-time-in <integer>;
        max-transfer-time-out <integer>;
        max-transfer-idle-in <integer>;
        max-transfer-idle-out <integer>;
        max-retry-time <integer>;
        min-retry-time <integer>;
        max-refresh-time <integer>;
        min-refresh-time <integer>;
        sig-validity-interval <integer>;
        zone-statistics <boolean>;

controls {
        inet ( <ipv4_address> | <ipv6_address> | * ) [ port ( <integer> | *
            ) ] allow { <address_match_element>; ... } [ keys { <string>; ... } ];
        unix <unsupported>; // not implemented

acl <string> { <address_match_element>; ... };

logging {
        channel <string> {
                file <logfile>;
                syslog <optional_facility>;
                severity <logseverity>;
                print-time <boolean>;
                print-severity <boolean>;
                print-category <boolean>;
        category <string> { <string>; ... };

view <string> <optional_class> {
        match-clients { <address_match_element>; ... };
        match-destinations { <address_match_element>; ... };
        match-recursive-only <boolean>;
        key <string> {
                algorithm <string>;
                secret <string>;
        zone <string> <optional_class> {
                type ( master | slave | stub | hint | forward );
                allow-update { <address_match_element>; ... };
                file <quoted_string>;
                ixfr-base <quoted_string>; // obsolete
                ixfr-tmp-file <quoted_string>; // obsolete
                masters [ port <integer> ] { ( <ipv4_address> |
                    <ipv6_address> ) [ port <integer> ] [ key <string> ]; ... };
                pubkey <integer> <integer> <integer> <quoted_string>; //
                update-policy { ( grant | deny ) <string> ( name |
                    subdomain | wildcard | self ) <string> <rrtypelist>; ... };
                database <string>;
                check-names <string>; // not implemented
                allow-query { <address_match_element>; ... };
                allow-transfer { <address_match_element>; ... };
                allow-update-forwarding { <address_match_element>; ... };
                allow-notify { <address_match_element>; ... };
                notify <notifytype>;
                notify-source ( <ipv4_address> | * ) [ port ( <integer> | *
                    ) ];
                notify-source-v6 ( <ipv6_address> | * ) [ port ( <integer>
                    | * ) ];
                also-notify [ port <integer> ] { ( <ipv4_address> |
                    <ipv6_address> ) [ port <integer> ]; ... };
                dialup <dialuptype>;
                forward ( first | only );
                forwarders [ port <integer> ] { ( <ipv4_address> |
                    <ipv6_address> ) [ port <integer> ]; ... };
                maintain-ixfr-base <boolean>; // obsolete
                max-ixfr-log-size <size>; // obsolete
                transfer-source ( <ipv4_address> | * ) [ port ( <integer> |
                    * ) ];
                transfer-source-v6 ( <ipv6_address> | * ) [ port (
                    <integer> | * ) ];
                max-transfer-time-in <integer>;
                max-transfer-time-out <integer>;
                max-transfer-idle-in <integer>;
                max-transfer-idle-out <integer>;
                max-retry-time <integer>;
                min-retry-time <integer>;
                max-refresh-time <integer>;
                min-refresh-time <integer>;
                sig-validity-interval <integer>;
                zone-statistics <boolean>;
        server {
                bogus <boolean>;
                provide-ixfr <boolean>;
                request-ixfr <boolean>;
                support-ixfr <boolean>; // obsolete
                transfers <integer>;
                transfer-format ( many-answers | one-answer );
                keys <server_key>;
                edns <boolean>;
        trusted-keys { <string> <integer> <integer> <integer>
            <quoted_string>; ... };
        allow-recursion { <address_match_element>; ... };
        allow-v6-synthesis { <address_match_element>; ... };
        sortlist { <address_match_element>; ... };
        topology { <address_match_element>; ... }; // not implemented
        auth-nxdomain <boolean>; // default changed
        minimal-responses <boolean>;
        recursion <boolean>;
        provide-ixfr <boolean>;
        request-ixfr <boolean>;
        fetch-glue <boolean>; // obsolete
        rfc2308-type1 <boolean>; // not yet implemented
        additional-from-auth <boolean>;
        additional-from-cache <boolean>;
        query-source <querysource4>;
        query-source-v6 <querysource6>;
        cleaning-interval <integer>;
        min-roots <integer>; // not implemented
        lame-ttl <integer>;
        max-ncache-ttl <integer>;
        max-cache-ttl <integer>;
        transfer-format ( many-answers | one-answer );
        max-cache-size <size_no_default>;
        check-names <string> <string>; // not implemented
        cache-file <quoted_string>;
        allow-query { <address_match_element>; ... };
        allow-transfer { <address_match_element>; ... };
        allow-update-forwarding { <address_match_element>; ... };
        allow-notify { <address_match_element>; ... };
        notify <notifytype>;
        notify-source ( <ipv4_address> | * ) [ port ( <integer> | * ) ];
        notify-source-v6 ( <ipv6_address> | * ) [ port ( <integer> | * ) ];
        also-notify [ port <integer> ] { ( <ipv4_address> | <ipv6_address>
            ) [ port <integer> ]; ... };
        dialup <dialuptype>;
        forward ( first | only );
        forwarders [ port <integer> ] { ( <ipv4_address> | <ipv6_address> )
            [ port <integer> ]; ... };
        maintain-ixfr-base <boolean>; // obsolete
        max-ixfr-log-size <size>; // obsolete
        transfer-source ( <ipv4_address> | * ) [ port ( <integer> | * ) ];
        transfer-source-v6 ( <ipv6_address> | * ) [ port ( <integer> | * ) ];
        max-transfer-time-in <integer>;
        max-transfer-time-out <integer>;
        max-transfer-idle-in <integer>;
        max-transfer-idle-out <integer>;
        max-retry-time <integer>;
        min-retry-time <integer>;
        max-refresh-time <integer>;
        min-refresh-time <integer>;
        sig-validity-interval <integer>;
        zone-statistics <boolean>;

lwres {
        listen-on [ port <integer> ] { ( <ipv4_address> | <ipv6_address> )
            [ port <integer> ]; ... };
        view <string> <optional_class>;
        search { <string>; ... };
        ndots <integer>;

key <string> {
        algorithm <string>;
        secret <string>;

zone <string> <optional_class> {
        type ( master | slave | stub | hint | forward );
        allow-update { <address_match_element>; ... };
        file <quoted_string>;
        ixfr-base <quoted_string>; // obsolete
        ixfr-tmp-file <quoted_string>; // obsolete
        masters [ port <integer> ] { ( <ipv4_address> | <ipv6_address> ) [
            port <integer> ] [ key <string> ]; ... };
        pubkey <integer> <integer> <integer> <quoted_string>; // obsolete
        update-policy { ( grant | deny ) <string> ( name | subdomain |
            wildcard | self ) <string> <rrtypelist>; ... };
        database <string>;
        check-names <string>; // not implemented
        allow-query { <address_match_element>; ... };
        allow-transfer { <address_match_element>; ... };
        allow-update-forwarding { <address_match_element>; ... };
        allow-notify { <address_match_element>; ... };
        notify <notifytype>;
        notify-source ( <ipv4_address> | * ) [ port ( <integer> | * ) ];
        notify-source-v6 ( <ipv6_address> | * ) [ port ( <integer> | * ) ];
        also-notify [ port <integer> ] { ( <ipv4_address> | <ipv6_address>
            ) [ port <integer> ]; ... };
        dialup <dialuptype>;
        forward ( first | only );
        forwarders [ port <integer> ] { ( <ipv4_address> | <ipv6_address> )
            [ port <integer> ]; ... };
        maintain-ixfr-base <boolean>; // obsolete
        max-ixfr-log-size <size>; // obsolete
        transfer-source ( <ipv4_address> | * ) [ port ( <integer> | * ) ];
        transfer-source-v6 ( <ipv6_address> | * ) [ port ( <integer> | * ) ];
        max-transfer-time-in <integer>;
        max-transfer-time-out <integer>;
        max-transfer-idle-in <integer>;
        max-transfer-idle-out <integer>;
        max-retry-time <integer>;
        min-retry-time <integer>;
        max-refresh-time <integer>;
        min-refresh-time <integer>;
        sig-validity-interval <integer>;
        zone-statistics <boolean>;

server {
        bogus <boolean>;
        provide-ixfr <boolean>;
        request-ixfr <boolean>;
        support-ixfr <boolean>; // obsolete
        transfers <integer>;
        transfer-format ( many-answers | one-answer );
        keys <server_key>;
        edns <boolean>;

trusted-keys { <string> <integer> <integer> <integer> <quoted_string>; ... };