System Administration Guide: Security Services

ProcedureHow to Encrypt and Decrypt a File

When you encrypt a file, the original file is not removed or changed. The output file is encrypted.

For solutions to common errors from the encrypt command, see the section that follows the examples.

  1. Create a symmetric key of the appropriate length.

    You have two options. You can provide a passphrase from which a key will be generated. Or you can provide a key.

    • If you provide a passphrase, you must store or remember the passphrase. If you store the passphrase online, the passphrase file should be readable only by you.

    • If you provide a key, it must be the correct size for the mechanism. For the procedure, see How to Generate a Symmetric Key by Using the dd Command.

  2. Encrypt a file.

    Provide a key and use a symmetric key algorithm with the encrypt command.

    % encrypt -a algorithm  [ -k keyfile ] -i input-file -o output-file
    -a algorithm

    Is the algorithm to use to encrypt the file. Type the algorithm as the algorithm appears in the output of the encrypt -l command.

    -k keyfile

    Is the file that contains a key of algorithm-specified length. The key length for each algorithm is listed, in bits, in the output of the encrypt -l command.

    -i input-file

    Is the input file that you want to encrypt. This file is left unchanged by the command.

    -o output-file

    Is the output file that is the encrypted form of the input file.

Example 14–11 Encrypting and Decrypting With AES and a Passphrase

In the following example, a file is encrypted with the AES algorithm. The key is generated from the passphrase. If the passphrase is stored in a file, the file should not be readable by anyone but the user.

% encrypt -a aes -i -o ~/enc/
Enter passphrase: <Type passphrase>
Re-enter passphrase: Type passphrase again

The input file,, still exists in its original form.

To decrypt the output file, the user uses the same passphrase and encryption mechanism that encrypted the file.

% decrypt -a aes -i ~/enc/ -o ~/
Enter passphrase: <Type passphrase>

Example 14–12 Encrypting and Decrypting With AES and a Key File

In the following example, a file is encrypted with the AES algorithm. AES mechanisms use a key of 128 bits, or 16 bytes.

% encrypt -a aes -k ~/keyf/05.07.aes16 \
-i -o ~/enc/ 

The input file,, still exists in its original form.

To decrypt the output file, the user uses the same key and encryption mechanism that encrypted the file.

% decrypt -a aes -k ~/keyf/05.07.aes16  \
-i ~/enc/ -o ~/

Example 14–13 Encrypting and Decrypting With ARCFOUR and a Key File

In the following example, a file is encrypted with the ARCFOUR algorithm. The ARCFOUR algorithm accepts a key of 8 bits (1 byte), 64 bits (8 bytes), or 128 bits (16 bytes).

% encrypt -a arcfour -i personal.txt \
-k ~/keyf/05.07.rc4.8 -o ~/enc/e.personal.txt

To decrypt the output file, the user uses the same key and encryption mechanism that encrypted the file.

% decrypt -a arcfour -i ~/enc/e.personal.txt \
-k ~/keyf/05.07.rc4.8 -o ~/personal.txt

Example 14–14 Encrypting and Decrypting With 3DES and a Key File

In the following example, a file is encrypted with the 3DES algorithm. The 3DES algorithm requires a key of 192 bits, or 24 bytes.

% encrypt -a 3des -k ~/keyf/05.07.des24 \
-i ~/personal2.txt -o ~/enc/e.personal2.txt

To decrypt the output file, the user uses the same key and encryption mechanism that encrypted the file.

% decrypt -a 3des -k ~/keyf/05.07.des24 \
-i ~/enc/e.personal2.txt -o ~/personal2.txt


The following messages indicate that the key that you provided to the encrypt command is not permitted by the algorithm that you are using.

If you pass a key that does not meet the requirements of the algorithm, you must supply a better key.