STREAMS Programming Guide

Inner Perimeters

For the most part, the module writer does not need to specify an inner perimeter, as the STREAMS framework automatically creates it for the module. What needs to be specified is the type of perimeter, and the concurrency of the perimeter.

Inner perimeters come in two types:


Enables synchronous entry to be different between the read queue and the write queue. Therefore, if a synchronous putnext is occurring on the read queue, a synchronous or asynchronous putnext can occur on the write queue (or other (a)synchronous access on the write queue).


Protects both the read queue and the write queue, so synchronous access to one queue will prevent synchronous or asynchronous access to the other queue.

Another perimeter, D_PERMOD is slightly different, and is discussed in PERMOD Perimeter.

An inner perimeter becomes exclusive (writer) whenever an inner synchronous entry point is encountered. By default all the entry points are considered to be synchronous until enabled as “shared” entry points. As previously stated, synchronous entry points remain exclusive until the thread returns to the caller of the synchronous entry point. If the synchronous function calls putnext, the perimeter remains exclusive across the putnext, up till the synchronous function can return to its caller, and subsequent entries into the perimeter will be deferred.

Inner perimeters can specify additional concurrency on the STREAMS entry points for open/close, put/putnext, service, and callbacks as shown in Table 12–4.