Solaris 10 What's New

System Resource Enhancements

The following system resource features and enhancements have been added to the Solaris 10 10/08 release.

New Solaris Zones Features

The following Solaris Zones enhancements are found in the Solaris 10 10/08 release:

x86: New GRUB findroot Command

All Solaris installation methods, including Solaris Live Upgrade, now use the findroot command for specifying which disk slice to boot on an x86 based system. Previously, the root command, root (hd0.0.a), was used to explicitly specify which disk slice to boot. This information is located in the menu.lst file that is used by GRUB. The most common form of the entry in the menu.lst file is:

findroot (rootfs0,0,a)
kernel$ /platform/i86pc/kernel/$ISADIR/unix
module$ /platform/i86pc/$ISADIR/boot_archive

The findroot command has the ability to discover the targeted disk, irrespective of the boot device. In addition, the findroot command provides enhanced support for booting systems with ZFS roots, as well as those with UFS roots. In addition to the findroot command, the name of a signature file on the slice, (<mysign>, 0, a) is now provided. The boot signature is located in the /boot/grub/bootsign directory on the system. The name of the signature file varies, depending on the installation method that is used.

For more information, see Implementation of the findroot Command in System Administration Guide: Basic Administration.

x64: Support for 256 Processors

Starting with the Solaris 10 10/08 release, the Solaris 64-bit operating system supports up to 256 processors on the x86 platform. Previous releases of the Solaris OS supported only up to 64 processors on x86 platforms in the 64-bit mode.

Support for 256 processors provides users the following benefits:

Users using this release of Solaris will be able to retain their entire software stack including the operating system, when they purchase larger machines.