Solaris 10 What's New

Sun Java System Application Server

Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8 is new in the Solaris Express 6/04 release. This feature is included in the Solaris 10 3/05 release.

Previously, Sun Java System Application Server 7 is new in the Software Express pilot program for SPARC platforms, and in the Solaris Express 9/03 release for x86 platforms. Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8 replaces Edition 7 in the Solaris Express 6/04 release.

Note –

For Solaris 9 users, version 7 of the Application Server is new for SPARC platforms in the Solaris 9 12/02 release, and for x86 platforms in the Solaris 9 12/03 release.

Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8 is the J2EE 1.4 compatible application container from Sun Microsystems that is designed for developers and departmental deployments.

This edition provides the following features:

For important information about this product, see the Sun Java System Application Server product information at For new feature details, refer to the Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8 Release Notes at