Solaris 10 Documentation README

Where to Find Solaris 10 Documentation

This Solaris 10 Documentation README describes how to install the SolarisTM 10 documentation from the documentation media. In addition, this README directs readers to Solaris 10 documentation that is available online. The following sections are included:

Finding Solaris 10 Documentation Online

The docs.sun.comSM Web site enables you to access Sun technical documentation online. You can browse the archive or search for a specific book title or subject. The URL is Man pages are available at this Web site. In addition, man pages are directly available at the command line. This section describes all of these Solaris 10 documentation options.

Solaris 10 documentation is also available on a Solaris 10 Documentation DVD. For further information, see Solaris 10 Documentation Media.

Using the Sun Documentation Web Site

Complete Solaris 10 documentation is provided at the Web site. Advantages to this Web site include the following:

Searching for Solaris 10 Documentation

Because no web server is located on the Solaris 10 Documentation media, no search feature is included on the media. To search the documentation, use one of these actions:

Finding Man Pages

Solaris 10 man pages are provided on the Solaris 10 Documentation DVD and online at Both sites include the following man page sections from the Solaris 10 Reference Manual Collection:

In addition, individual man pages can be displayed at the command line by performing the following steps.

ProcedureDisplaying Man Pages Online

  1. Optional: At the command line, type man man.

    For users who are not familiar with man pages, this optional step provides an introduction.

    The man(1) page is displayed. This man page provides the following information:

    • Location of man pages

    • Man command options

    • Manual page organization

    • Man page search path

    • Additional references

  2. At the command line, type man name.

    The man page is displayed for the interface and its options.

Solaris 10 Documentation Media

The Solaris 10 Documentation media provides Solaris 10 documentation in HTML and PDF formats. The documentation can be viewed directly from the media. Another option is to install the documentation into your own environment, integrated with your company's web server. To view the Solaris 10 documentation in HTML format, use any HTML 3.2-compliant web browser. To view Solaris 10 online documentation in PDF format, use Adobe® Acrobat or Adobe Acrobat Reader software.

The Solaris 10 Documentation DVD contains the following:

In addition to the documentation media, Solaris 10 documentation can also be found online. See Finding Solaris 10 Documentation Online.

ProcedureReading Information Directly From the Solaris Documentation Media

To read documentation directly from the DVD, perform the following steps.

  1. Insert the Solaris 10 Documentation media into the appropriate drive.

    The Volume Manager should mount the media automatically. The SOL_10_Doc icon is displayed and automatically opens.

  2. In the file manager window, type /cdrom/sol_10_doc to open this directory and folder.

  3. Double-click the index.html icon or load the /cdrom/sol_10_doc/index.html file into your web browser.

    You can also select your preferred language. The default language is English.

  4. Select the format (HTML or PDF) for the collection that you want to view.

    View the documentation directly from the DVD.

ProcedureUsing the Installer to Install Book Collections

The Documentation media include a point-and-click interface called “installer” that you can use to install documentation collections.

You can also use standard utilities, such as pkgadd. See Using pkgadd to Install Book Collections.

Note –

Prior to performing a full installation or a partial installation of book collections, you must first uninstall any previously installed book collections. The install process will not overwrite an existing book collection with a new collection that has the same part number. You must first uninstall the existing book collection.

You can uninstall documentation packages by using the pkgrm command. See the pkgrm(1M) man page for instructions.

To install the document collections by using the installer, perform the following steps.

  1. Insert the Solaris 10 Documentation media into the appropriate drive.

    The Volume Manager should mount the media automatically.

  2. Double-click the installer icon and follow the instructions on the screens.

  3. Select Run.

    This selection will open the command line, which displays any error messages.

  4. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  5. After selecting Next in the Welcome screen, select Typical or Custom then click Next to continue.

    The Typical option installs all document collections on the media in HTML format for your default locale. The Custom option enables you to install specific collections or collections in PDF format, such as localized collections.

    • For a typical installation, the Ready to Install dialog box is displayed. Go to Step Six.

    • Alternately, for a custom install, first select the preferred locales and select Next.

      1. Select the collections you want to install and select Next.

        The default directory, the /opt directory, is displayed.

      2. Select Next.

        Component Selections are displayed.

      3. Review Component Selections and select Next.

        The Ready to Install dialog box is displayed.

  6. Select Install Now.

    The Installing Solaris 10 Documentation GUI is displayed. The status bar shows the progress of the installation.

  7. To view the installed collections, start an HTML 3.2-compliant web browser, such as MozillaTM, and open the /var/opt/sun_docs/sundocs.html file.

ProcedureUsing pkgadd to Install Book Collections

To install document collection packages from the Solaris 10 Documentation media by using the pkgadd utility, perform the following steps. For further information, see the pkgadd(1M) man page.

Note –

Prior to performing a full installation or a partial installation of book collections, you must first uninstall any previously installed book collections. The install process will not overwrite an existing book collection with a new collection that has the same part number. You must first uninstall the existing book collection.

You can uninstall documentation packages by using the pkgrm command. See the pkgrm(1M) man page for instructions.

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role on the documentation server machine.

  2. Insert the documentation DVD into the appropriate drive.

    The Volume Manager should mount the media automatically.

  3. Go to the location of the document collection packages.

    For example, you might type a command similar to the following to go to the location on the media for the document collection packages:

    # cd /cdrom-mount-point/Solaris_10_Doc/common/

    cdrom-mount-point is the mount point, including volume name, for the device.

  4. Start the installation utility.

    For example, type:

    # pkgadd -d .
  5. Select the collections you want to install from the list.

    The installation proceeds and results are displayed.