Simplified Chinese Solaris User's Guide

Running Earlier Binary Code

The following BCP command runs the compiled binary code of earlier SunOS4.x, Solaris 1.x, or Chinese OpenWindows 2.x applications without recompilation, However, OpenWindows V2 Chinese applications will display no input server status region. As shown in the following examples, the command calls the application by its old name (old_application_name) and sets the basic locale, input language, and display language using the older version's specific locale name (old-locale):

system% old_application_name -lc_basiclocale 
old-locale -lc_inputlang old-locale 
\ -lc_displaylang old-locale

The following example shows the command for running the compiled binary code of an earlier version of the textedit application in the current Simplified Chinese Solaris environment:

system% textedit -lc_displaylang chinese -lc_basiclocale chinese \
    -lc_inputlang chinese

Due to incompatibilities between Simplified Chinese Solaris 2.x and 1.x applications, you cannot cut and paste Chinese characters between them.