Simplified Chinese Solaris User's Guide

How to Select an Input Method

  1. In the typing area, press Control-spacebar to turn on Simplified Chinese input conversion.

    An auxiliary window appears.

    The preceding context describes the graphic.
  2. Select the desired input method through one of the following actions:

    • In the status area of the application subwindow, use the function keys to switch input methods: the F2 key for the first input method, the F3 key for the second input method, and so on.

      Tip –

      You can also press Control-Escape repeatedly until you reach the desired input method.

    • Use the input method panel.

      • Click the utilities button in the auxiliary window.

        The preceding context describes the graphic.

        The utilities menu appears.

        The preceding context describes the graphic.
      • Click the input method selection item from the utilities menu.

        The input method selection panel appears.

        The preceding context describes the graphic.
      • Select the input method you want to use from the input selection panel.

        After you select an input method, click OK or Apply to activate the setting. The first input method you select is the default input method.

        Note –

        When you press Control-spacebar the default input method is selected.

        If you change input methods, you can press Control-Escape to return to the default input method.