Traditional Chinese Solaris User's Guide

How to Enter a Single Character

This procedure describes how to enter the following character:

The preceding context describes the graphic.
  1. Using the New ChuYin input method, type the key sequence 5j.

    The lookup table appears for the characters highlighted in the preedit area.

    The preceding context describes the graphic.
  2. Type tone 4.

    The preedit area and the lookup table change.

    The preceding context describes the graphic.
    Note –

    The first candidate is committed when you press the spacebar. If you type another tone value, the choices for that tone appear. For example, when you type tone 1 for a Chinese character, the choices for tone 1 appear.

  3. Press Shift-D to commit the fourth candidate.

    The committed character appears.

    The preceding context describes the graphic.