Solaris System Management Agent Administration Guide


The Solaris System Management Agent Administration Guide explains how to install, configure and work with the System Management Agent (SMA).

Note –

This SolarisTM release supports systems that use the SPARC® and x86 families of processor architectures: UltraSPARC®, SPARC64, AMD64, Pentium, and Xeon EM64T. The supported systems appear in the Solaris 10 Hardware Compatibility List at This document cites any implementation differences between the platform types.

In this document the term “x86” refers to 64-bit and 32-bit systems manufactured using processors compatible with the AMD64 or Intel Xeon/Pentium product families. For supported systems, see the Solaris 10 Hardware Compatibility List.

Who Should Use This Book

This document is targeted towards system administrators who need to use the System Management Agent to manage objects and devices on the Solaris Operating System. Also, system administrators who wish to migrate management agent tasks from other agents to the System Management Agent will should use this book.

Before You Read This Book

You must be familiar with general system administration of the Solaris system. A general understanding of SNMP and SNMP MIBs is beneficial. You should be familiar with the following areas:

How This Book Is Organized

This book is organized into the following chapters:

Chapter 1, Introduction to the System Management Agent provides an overview of SNMP and an introduction to the System Management Agent.

Chapter 2, Configuring the System Management Agent describes the files you can use to configure the System Management Agent.

Chapter 3, Working with the System Management Agent shows you basic operations, such as stopping or restarting the System Management Agent.

Chapter 4, Managing Security describes security administration and user management.

Chapter 5, Migrating From Other Agents shows you how to migrate the management of your devices to the System Management Agent from other agents.

Appendix A, Tools and Man Pages provides some reference information about the man pages, tools, and utilities that are provided with the System Management Agent.

Glossary is a list of key words and phrases found in this book and their definitions.

Recommended Reading

Ideally, you should be familiar with SNMP and SNMP MIBs.

Documentation, Support, and Training

The Sun web site provides information about the following additional resources:

Typographic Conventions

The following table describes the typographic conventions that are used in this book.

Table P–1 Typographic Conventions





The names of commands, files, and directories, and onscreen computer output 

Edit your .login file.

Use ls -a to list all files.

machine_name% you have mail.


What you type, contrasted with onscreen computer output 

machine_name% su



Placeholder: replace with a real name or value 

The command to remove a file is rm filename.


Book titles, new terms, and terms to be emphasized 

Read Chapter 6 in the User's Guide.

A cache is a copy that is stored locally.

Do not save the file.

Note: Some emphasized items appear bold online.

Shell Prompts in Command Examples

The following table shows the default UNIX® system prompt and superuser prompt for the C shell, Bourne shell, and Korn shell.

Table P–2 Shell Prompts



C shell 


C shell for superuser 


Bourne shell and Korn shell 


Bourne shell and Korn shell for superuser 
