Solaris System Management Agent Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Create a New User Using System Prompts

  1. Stop the System Management Agent.

    # svcadm disable -t svc:/application/management/sma:default
  2. To create the new user, named newuser, with a password equal to my_password, use the net-snmp-config command interactively.

    # /usr/sfw/bin/net-snmp-config --create-snmpv3-user

    Enter a SNMPv3 user name to create:
  3. Provide the appropriate user name, in this case:


    Enter authentication pass-phrase:
  4. Type the appropriate pass-phrase, in this case:


    Enter encryption pass-phrase:
  5. To reuse the authentication pass-phrase, press Return.

    adding the following line to /var/sma_snmp/snmpd.conf:
    createUser newuser MD5 "newuser_pass" DES
    adding the following line to /etc/sma/snmp/snmpd.conf:
    rwuser newuser

    By default, when creating a user using the net-snmp-config command, these settings are created unless otherwise specified:

    auth protocol = MD5

    security level = rwuser auth

  6. Start the System Management Agent.

    # svcadm enable svc:/application/management/sma:default
  7. Check whether the new user exists.

    # snmpget -v 3 -u newuser -l authNoPriv -a MD5 -A my_password localhost sysUpTime.0 

    Note –

    Passwords must contain at least eight characters.

    Giving the new user read and write access is not always useful. If you want to reduce or change the access rights of the new user, edit the /etc/sma/snmp/snmpd.conf file. For more information, see the snmpd.conf(4) man page.