Solaris System Management Agent Administration Guide

The snmpnetstat command

In the same way as you would use the netstat command, you can check the status of the network using the System Management Agent with the snmpnetstat command.

To show the state of all sockets, use the snmpnetstat command with the –a option. This option provides the default display, showing all active sockets, except those used by server processes.

# snmpnetstat -v 2c -c public -a testhost

The following information, including local and remote addresses, and protocols, is typically displayed:

Active Internet (tcp) Connections (including servers)
     Proto Local Address Foreign Address (state)
     tcp   *.echo        *.*             LISTEN
     tcp   *.discard     *.*             LISTEN
     tcp   *.daytime     *.*             LISTEN
     tcp   *.chargen     *.*             LISTEN
     tcp   *.ftp         *.*             LISTEN
     tcp   *.telnet      *.*             LISTEN
     tcp   *.smtp        *.*             LISTEN

     Active Internet (udp) Connections
     Proto Local Address
     udp   *.echo
     udp   *.discard
     udp   *.daytime
     udp   *.chargen
     udp   *.time

To show the state of network interfaces, use the snmpnetstat command with the –i option. This option provides a statistics table that shows packets transferred, errors, and collisions as well as network addresses of the interface and the maximum transmission units (MTU).

# snmpnetstat -v 2c -c public -i testhost

The following table, including local and remote addresses, and protocols, is typically displayed:

Name Mtu  Network   Address  Ipkts     Ierrs  Opkts  Oerrs Queue
     eri0 1500 10.6.9/24 testhost 170548881 245601 687976 0     0
     lo0  8232 127      localhost 7530982   0      7530982 0    0

Note –

The Ipkts, or incoming packets, value reported by the snmpnetstat command is not identical to that reported by the netstat command. The snmpnetstat command displays the total number of unicast, multicast and broadcast packets. The netstat command displays the total number of unicast and multicast packets, omitting broadcast packets.