Solaris System Management Agent Developer's Guide

Reading Data From the demo_module_4.conf Configuration File

Data is read from the configuration files into a module by registering a callback function to be called whenever an appropriate token is encountered. For example, you can call the function as follows:

register_config_handler(demo_module_4, threshold_loadavg1, 
read_load_thresholds, NULL, NULL);

Whenever a threshold_loadavg1 token in the demo_module_4 file is read by the agent, the function read_load_thresholds() is called with token name and value as arguments. The read_load_thresholds() function stores the token value in appropriate variables:

read_load_thresholds(const char *token, char *cptr)

    if (strcmp(token, "threshold_loadavg1") == 0) {
    } else if (strcmp(token,"threshold_loadavg5") == 0) {
    } else if (strcmp(token,"threshold_loadavg15") == 0) {
    } else {
        /* Do nothing */



See the API documentation about register_config_handler() in /usr/sfw/doc/sma_snmp/html/group__read__config.html for more information.