Solaris System Management Agent Developer's Guide

entLogicalEntry_t Structure

The entLogicalTable.h header file contains the typedef for the entLogicalEntry_tstructure. This structure is representative of the entLogicalTable columns that are defined in RFC 2737. The entLogicalEntry_t is defined as follows:

typedef struct entLogicalEntry_s {

   int_l   entLogicalIndex;
   char *entLogicalDescr;
   oid  *entLogicalType;
   int_l   entLogicalTypeSize;
   char *entLogicalCommunity;
   char *entLogicalTAddress;
   oid  *entLogicalTDomain; 
   int_l   entLogicalTDomainSize; 
   char *entLogicalContextEngineId;
   char *entLogicalContextName;
   struct entLogicalEntry_s* pNextEntry;

} entLogicalEntry_t;