Solaris 10 Installation Guide: Network-Based Installations

Understanding Global and Non-Global Zones

The global zone is the only zone from which a non-global zone can be configured, installed, managed, or uninstalled. Only the global zone is bootable from the system hardware. Administration of the system infrastructure, such as physical devices, routing, or dynamic reconfiguration (DR), is only possible in the global zone. Appropriately privileged processes running in the global zone can access objects associated with any or all other zones. The following table summarizes the characteristics of both global and non-global zones.

Global Zone 

Non-Global Zone 

Is assigned ID 0 by the system 

Is assigned a zone ID by the system when the zone is booted 

Provides the single instance of the Solaris kernel that is bootable and running on the system 

Shares operation under the Solaris kernel booted from the global zone 

Contains a complete installation of the Solaris system software packages 

Contains an installed subset of the complete Solaris Operating System software packages 

Can contain additional software packages or additional software, directories, files, and other data not installed through packages 

Contains Solaris software packages shared from the global zone 

Provides a complete and consistent product database that contains information about all software components installed in the global zone  

Can contain additional installed software packages not shared from the global zone  

Can contain additional software, directories, files, and other data created on the non-global zone that are not installed through packages or shared from the global zone 

Holds configuration information specific to the global zone only, such as the global zone host name and file system table 

Has configuration information specific to that non-global zone only, such as the non-global zone host name and file system table 

Is the only zone that is aware of all devices and all file systems  

Has a complete and consistent product database that contains information about all software components installed on the zone, whether present on the non-global zone or shared read-only from the global zone 

Is the only zone with knowledge of non-global zone existence and configuration 

Is not aware of the existence of any other zones 

Is the only zone from which a non-global zone can be configured, installed, managed, or uninstalled 

Cannot install, manage, or uninstall other zones, including itself  

For more information, see the following: