Solaris 10 Installation Guide: Network-Based Installations

ProcedureTo Check the Client OBP for WAN Boot Support

This procedure describes how to determine if the client OBP supports WAN boot.

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. Check the OBP configuration variables for WAN boot support.

    # eeprom | grep network-boot-arguments
    • If the variable network-boot-arguments is displayed, or if the previous command returns the output network-boot-arguments: data not available, the OBP supports WAN boot installations. You do not need to update the OBP before you perform your WAN boot installation.

    • If the previous command does not return any output, the OBP does not support WAN boot installations. You must perform one of the following tasks.

Example 13–2 Verifying OBP Support for WAN Boot on the Client

The following command shows how to check the client OBP for WAN boot support.

# eeprom | grep network-boot-arguments
network-boot-arguments: data not available

In this example, the output network-boot-arguments: data not available indicates that the client OBP supports WAN boot.

Continuing the WAN Boot Installation

After you verify that the client OBP supports WAN boot, you must copy the wanboot program to the WAN boot server. For instructions, see Installing the wanboot Program on the WAN Boot Server.

If the client OBP does not support WAN boot, you do not need to copy the wanboot program to the WAN boot server. You must provide the wanboot program to the client on a local CD. To continue the installation, see Creating the /etc/netboot Hierarchy on the WAN Boot Server

See Also

For additional information about the setup_install_server command, see Chapter 9, Preparing to Install From the Network With CD Media (Tasks).