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User Commandscreate-jdbc-connection-pool(1)


 create-jdbc-connection-pool - registers the JDBC connection pool


 create-jdbc-connection-pool --user admin_user [ --password admin_password ] [ --host localhost ] [ --port 4848 ] [ --secure|-s ] [ --passwordfile filename ] [ --terse=false ] [ --echo=false ] [ --interactive=true ] --datasourceclassname classname [ --restype res_type ] [ --steadypoolsize 8 ] [ --maxpoolsize 32 ] [ --maxwait 6000 ] [ --poolresize 2 ] [ --idletimeout 300 ] [ --isolationlevel isolation_level ] [ --isisolationguaranteed ] [ --isconnectvalidatereq=false ] [ --validationmethod auto-commit ] [ --validationtable table_name ] [ --failconnection=false ] [ --description text ] [ --property (name=value)[ :name=value ]* ] connection_pool_ID



Registers the JDBC connection pool. All the properties of the connection pool can be modified dynamically at runtime. If you change any of the pool properties (for example the maxpoolsize), the change is effected without any change to the existing connections. If you change any of the connection related properties (such as UserName), then all the existing connections in the pool are destroyed and new connections will be created. Use the set command to change any property.

This command is supported in remote mode only.


authorized domain application server administrative username.
password to administer the domain application server.
machine name where the domain application server is running.
port number of the domain application server listening for administration requests.
if true, uses SSL/TLS to communicate with the domain application server.
file containing the domain application server password.
indicates that any output data must be very concise, typically avoiding human-friendly sentences and favoring well-formatted data for consumption by a script.
setting to true will echo the command line statement on the standard output.
prompts you for the required options that are not already specified.
name of the vendor supplied JDBC datasource resource manager.
must be specified to disambiguate when a datasource class implements more than one of the JDBC interfaces javax.sql.DataSource, javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource or javax.sql.XADataSource. An error is produced when this option has a legal value and the indicated interface is not implemented by the datasource class.
minimum and initial number of connections maintained in the pool.
maximum number of connections that can be created.
the amount of time a caller will wait before a connection timeout is sent. The default is 60 seconds. A value of 0 forces the caller to wait indefinitely.
number of connections to be removed when idletimeout timer expires. Connections that have idled for longer than the timeout are candidates for removal. When the pool size reaches steadypoolsize, the connection removal stops.
maximum time (in seconds) that a connection can remain idle in the pool. After this time, the implementation can close this connection. It is recommended that this timeout is kept shorter than the server side timeout to prevent the accumulation of unusable connections in the application.
specifies the transaction-isolation-level on the pooled database connections. This option does not have a default value. If not specified, the pool operates with default isolation level provided by the JDBC driver. A desired isolation level can be set using one of the standard transaction isolation levels: read-uncommitted, read-committed, repeatable-read, serializable. Applications that change the isolation level on a pooled connection programmatically risk polluting the pool. This could lead to program errors.
applicable only when a particular isolation level is specified for transaction-isolation-level. The default value is true. This assures that every time a connection is obtained from the pool, it is guaranteed to have the isolation set to the desired value. This could have some performance impact on some JDBC drivers. Can be set to false by the administrator when confident that the application does not change the isolation level before returning the connection.
if set to true connections are validated (checked to see if they are usable) before giving out the application. The default is false.
name of the validation table used to perform a query to validate a connection. Valid settings are: auto-commit, meta-data, or table. Defaults to auto-commit.
name of the validation table used to perform a query to validate a connection. This parameter is mandatory if connection-validation-type is set to table. Verification by accessing a user specified table may become necessary for connection validation.
if set to true, all connection in the pool must be closed if a single validation check fails; defaults to false. One attempt is made to re-establish failed connections.
text description of the JDBC connection pool.
optional attributes name/value pairs for configuring the connection pool.


name of the JDBC connection pool to be created.


 Example 1. Using create-jdbc-connection-pool
asadmin> create-jdbc-connection-pool --user admin --password adminadmin 
--host fuyako --port 7070 --datasourceclassname com.poiintbase.jdbc.jdbcUniversalDriver
 --restype jax.sql.XADataSource --isolationlevel serializable --isconnectvalidatereq=true 
--validationmethod auto-commit --description "XA Connection" 
--property DatabaseName="jdbc\:pointbase\:server\:\/\/localhost:9093\/sample" 
:User=public:Password=public XA_connection_pool
Command create-jdbc-connection-pool executed successfully

Where: the XA_connection_pool is created. The escape character "\" is used in the --property option to distinguish the colons (:) and the backslash (/).


command executed successfully
error in executing the command



delete-jdbc-connection-pool(1), list-jdbc-connection-pools(1)

J2EE 1.4 SDKGo To TopLast Changed March 2004