Java Desktop System Configuration Manager Release 1.1 Administration Guide

Command Summary

Table 3–1 Commands




Assigns a policy group from the policy group repository to an entity. 


Creates a new, empty policy group. 


Deletes a policy group. 


Exports a policy group in zip file format to the specified target. 


Imports a policy group stored in zip file format from the specified source. 


Lists the policy groups in the policy group repository, or lists the policy groups assigned to an entity, or lists the entities to which a specified policy group has. 


Stores the username and password for this datastore back end in a file in the user's home directory. This username and password can then be used in future invocations of pgtool. 


Changes the priority of a policy group in the policy group repository. 


Unassigns a policy group from an entity. 


Renames a policy group in the policy group repository. 

Table 3–2 Options



-b <base name>, --base=<base name>

Specifies the root entry of the storage back end. The format for this base entry is determined by the storage back end used. For example, an LDAP storage back end with a root entry of o=apoc: --base o=apoc.

-e <entity>, --entity=<entity>

Specifies the entity representing a user, role, organization, host or domain. The entry format for the entity is determined by the storage back end used. For example, an LDAP storage back end with a user "jmonroe": -e uid=jmonroe,ou=People,o=staff,o=apoc

-f <file>, --file=<file>

Specifies a fully qualified file detailing the bootstrapping information to be used in the execution of this command. For example: -f /tmp/policymgr.cfg

-h <hostname>, --hostname=<hostname>

Specifies the name of the host for the storage back end. For example:

-i <priority>, --priority=<priority>

Specifies a positive integer denoting the priority of a policy group. For example: -i 12

-m <name>, --name=<name>

Specifies the name of the policy group. For example: --name=UserPolicyGroup1

-p <port>, --port=<port>

Specifies the port number for the storage back end. For example: -p 399

-s <scope>, --scope=<scope>

Specifies the scope of the policy group. The scope is either user or host; the default is user. For example: --scope=host

-t <type>, --type=<type>

Specifies the type of storage back end. This defaults to LDAP. For example: -t LDAP

-u <username>, --username=<username>

Specifies the username for an administrator of the storage back end. The user is then prompted for a password. If this option is not used, and the user has not used the pgtool login sub-command, then the user is prompted to enter a username and password. For example: --username=jmonroe

-?, --help

Displays this help and exit. 

-V, --version

Displays the version and exit.