Java Desktop System Configuration Manager Release 1.1 Administration Guide


import [--username=<name>] [--name=<policy group name>] [--scope=<user/host>] [--entity=<entity name>] [--priority=<priority integer>] <source>

--username=<name> : the username of the administrator in the format used by the configuration repository, for example “jmonroe”.

--name=<policy group name> : this specifies the name for the policy group. This option is not used with the --entity option as entity policy groups have restricted default names. Two policy groups with the same name and the same scope may not exist at the same location. If no policy group name is specified then it defaults to the name of the .zip file. If a policy group of this name and scope already exists in the policy group repository it is overwritten.

--scope=<user/host> : specifies the scope for the policy group. This can be either user or host. If the scope is not specified then the default is user.

--entity=<entity name> : the entity where the policy group is stored. If this option is not specified then the policy group is part of the policy group repository. The option may not be used with the -name option as entity policy groups have restricted default names. The entity name is specified in the format used by the storage back end, for example with the LDAP back end, the entity is specified using a distinguished name.

--priority=<priority integer> : an integer (>=1) specifying the priority of the policy group in the policy group repository. This option may not be used with the --entity option as entity policy groups have default priorities that may not be changed. If the priority specified is the same as that of an existing policy group of this scope in the repository then the command exits with an error. If the priority is not specified, then one is assigned.

<source> : the path and file name where the zip file is to be stored.

Example 3–5 Importing a policy group

% pgtool import --scope=host --name=NewHostPolicyGroup1 --username=jmonroe --priority=7 /tmp/

Policy group with name “NewHostPolicyGroup1”, scope “host”, and priority “7” imported from