Java Desktop System Configuration Manager Release 1.1 Administration Guide


Renames a policy group in the policy group repository.


rename [--username=<name>] [--scope=<user/host>] <name> <newname>

--username=<name> : the username of the administrator in the format used by the configuration repository, for example "jmonroe".

--scope=<user/host> : specifies the scope for the existing policy group, which can either be user or host. If not specified then defaults to the user scope.

<name> : this specifies the current name of the policy group in the policy group repository.

<newname> : new name for the policy group. If a policy group of this name and scope already exists in the policy group repository than the command exits with an error.

Example 3–10 Renaming a policy group

% pgtool rename --username=jmonroe NewUserGroup2 renamedNewUserGroup2

Renames “NewUserGroup2” to “renamedNewUserGroup2”.