Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions User's Guide
 secadmin role, See Security Administrator role
 Security Administrator role
  contacting about missing trusted indicator ( Index Term Link )
  contacting about missing trusted stripe ( Index Term Link )
  responsibilities ( Index Term Link )
 security policy
  defined ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 security practices, defined ( Index Term Link )
 selection, changing label ( Index Term Link )
 Selection Manager ( Index Term Link )
 sensitivity labels
  See labels
  label type ( Index Term Link )
 session clearances, defined ( Index Term Link )
  choosing clearance ( Index Term Link )
  effect of selecting level ( Index Term Link )
  setting level ( Index Term Link )
  single-level or multilevel ( Index Term Link )
 Shut Down menu item ( Index Term Link )
 shutting down a workstation ( Index Term Link )
 single-level login, Trusted CDE or Trusted JDS ( Index Term Link )
 single-level sessions, defined ( Index Term Link )
 Solaris Trusted Extensions (CDE), See CDE
  defined ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Stop-A (L1-A) keyboard combination ( Index Term Link )
 Style Manager
  changing session characteristics ( Index Term Link )
  limitations in Solaris Trusted Extensions (CDE) ( Index Term Link )
  requires the trusted path ( Index Term Link )
 subject, defined ( Index Term Link )
 Suspend System menu item ( Index Term Link )
 switching to a workspace at a different label ( Index Term Link )
 system administration, on Trusted Extensions ( Index Term Link )
 System Administrator role, responsibilities ( Index Term Link )