Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions User's Guide

ProcedureHow to Customize the CDE Workspace Menu

In Trusted CDE, users and roles can customize the Workspace menu for each distinct label.

  1. In your current workspace, start to customize the Workspace menu.

    • To add one or more items to the menu, choose the Add Item to Menu item.

      A dialog box with a Browse button appears.

    • To modify the menu or menu properties, choose Customize Menu item.

      A File Manager appears.

  2. If you are adding items to the Workspace menu, do the following:

    1. For each program, find the program and add it.

      Click the Browse button to show the files that are available for this workspace at this label.

    2. Select the program.

    3. Close the window.

      The items are added to the top of the Workspace menu.

  3. If you are modifying the Workspace menu, do the following:

    • To remove a menu item, click mouse button 3 over the item and click Put in Trash.

    • To change properties, such as permissions, click mouse button 3 over the item and click Properties.

      You can modify permissions here. You can also view file information and file sensitivity label.

  4. Confirm the menu changes, or cancel.

    • To confirm your changes, choose File –> Update Workspace Menu.

      The Workspace menu reflects your changes.

    • To cancel your changes, choose File –> Close.