Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions Developer's Guide

Extended Label Builder Operations

This section describes the extended operations and valid values that you can pass to the tsol_lbuild_create(), tsol_lbuild_get(), and tsol_lbuild_set() routines. The values that are passed to tsol_lbuild_create() are stored in its return value. The return value is of type ModLabelData. The values returned in the parameters can be accessed by calls to tsol_lbuild_get() and tsol_lbuild_set(). The ModLabelData structure is described in ModLabelData Structure. See the tsol_lbuild_create(3TSOL), tsol_lbuild_get(3TSOL), and tsol_lbuild_set(3TSOL) man pages.

All extended operations are valid to pass to tsol_lbuild_get(). However, the LBUILD_WORK_SL and LBUILD_WORK_CLR operations are not valid to pass to tsol_lbuild_set() or tsol_lbuild_create() because these values are set by Label Builder based on user input. These exceptions are noted in the following operation descriptions: