Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions Administrator's Procedures

ProcedureHow to Assign Device Authorizations

The Allocate Device authorization enables users to allocate a device. The Allocate Device authorization, and the Revoke or Reclaim Device authorization, are appropriate for administrative roles.

Before You Begin

You must be in the Security Administrator role in the global zone.

If the existing profiles are not appropriate, the security administrator can create a new profile. For an example, see How to Create a Rights Profile for Convenient Authorizations.

  1. Assign to the user a rights profile that contains the Allocate Device authorization.

    For assistance, see the online help. For the step-by-step procedure, see How to Change the RBAC Properties of a User in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

    The following rights profiles enable a role to allocate devices:

    • All Authorizations

    • Device Management

    • Media Backup

    • Media Restore

    • Object Label Management

    • Software Installation

    The following rights profiles enable a role to revoke or reclaim devices:

    • All Authorizations

    • Device Management

    The following rights profiles enable a role to create or configure devices:

    • All Authorizations

    • Device Security

Example 17–6 Assigning New Device Authorizations

    In this example, the security administrator configures the new device authorizations for the system and assigns the rights profile with the new authorizations to trustworthy users. The security administrator does the following:

  1. Creates new device authorizations, as in How to Create New Device Authorizations

  2. In the Device Allocation Manager, adds the new device authorizations to the tape and diskette drives

  3. Places the new authorizations in the rights profile, NewCo Allocation

  4. Adds the NewCo Allocation rights profile to the profiles of users and roles who are authorized to allocate tape and diskette drives

Authorized users and roles can now use the tape drives and diskette drives on this system.