Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions Administrator's Procedures

ProcedureHow to Enable Users to Print PostScript Files in Trusted Extensions

Before You Begin

You must be in the Security Administrator role in the global zone.

  1. Use one of the following three methods to enable users to print PostScript files:

    • To enable PostScript printing on a system, modify the /etc/default/print file.

      1. Create or modify the /etc/default/print file.

        Use the trusted editor. For details, see How to Edit Administrative Files in Trusted Extensions.

      2. Type the following entry:

      3. Save the file and close the editor.

    • To authorize all users to print PostScript files from a system, modify the /etc/security/policy.conf file.

      1. Modify the policy.conf file.

        Use the trusted editor. For details, see How to Edit Administrative Files in Trusted Extensions.

      2. Add the authorization.

      3. Save the file and close the editor.

    • To enable a user or role to print PostScript files from any system, give just those users and roles the appropriate authorization.

      Assign a profile that includes the Print Postscript authorization to those users and roles. For details, see How to Create a Rights Profile for Convenient Authorizations.

Example 15–3 Enabling PostScript Printing From a Public System

In the following example, the security administrator has constrained a public kiosk to operate at the PUBLIC label. The system also has a few icons that open topics of interest. These topics can be printed.

The security administrator creates an /etc/default/print file on the system. The file has one entry to enable the printing of PostScript files. No user needs a Print Postscript authorization.

# vi /etc/default/print