Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions Administrator's Procedures

ProcedureHow to Remotely Administer Trusted Extensions With dtappsession

The dtappsession program enables an administrator to administer a remote system that is running CDE.

dtappsession is useful when a remote system does not have a monitor. For example, dtappsession is often used to administer domains on large servers. For more information, see the dtappsession(1) man page.

Before You Begin

On a labeled system, you must be in an administrative role in the global zone. On an unlabeled system, you must assume a role that is defined on the remote system. You must then run the remote login from the role's profile shell.

  1. (Optional) Create a workspace that is dedicated to the remote session.

    To avoid confusion between the remote CDE applications and any local applications, dedicate an administrative role workspace to this procedure. For details, see How to Add a Workspace at a Particular Label in Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions User’s Guide.

  2. Log in to the remote host.

    You can use the rlogin command or the ssh command.

    $ ssh remote-host
  3. Start remote administration.

    In the terminal window, type the dtappsession command followed by the name of the local host.

    $ /usr/dt/bin/dtappsession local-host

    the Application Manager that is running on the remote host displays on the local host. Also, an Exit dialog box appears.

  4. Administer the remote host.

    If you invoked the remote session from Trusted CDE, you can use actions in the Trusted_Extensions folder.

  5. When finished, click the Exit button.

    Dialog box shows the name of a remote host and an Exit
    Caution – Caution –

    Closing the Application Manager does not end the login session and is not recommended.

  6. In the terminal window, exit the remote login session.

    And use the hostname command to verify that you are on your local host.

    $ exit
    $ hostname