Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions Label Administration
 access control
  by label range ( Index Term Link )
  example ( Index Term Link )
 access decisions, using labels ( Index Term Link )
 access-related words, defined ( Index Term Link )
  label range example ( Index Term Link )
  label range overview ( Index Term Link )
  session range ( Index Term Link )
 ACCREDITATION RANGE keyword ( Index Term Link )
  described ( Index Term Link )
  example ( Index Term Link )
 accreditation ranges
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  system ( Index Term Link )
  user ( Index Term Link )
  classification value ( Index Term Link )
  illustrating numerical value ( Index Term Link )
 ADMIN_LOW label
  classification value ( Index Term Link )
  illustrating numerical value ( Index Term Link )
 administrative labels
  configuring appearance ( Index Term Link )
  in system accreditation range ( Index Term Link )
  specifying name visibility ( Index Term Link )
 aname= classification keyword ( Index Term Link )
 areas of interest, represented by compartment ( Index Term Link )
  Downgrade File Label ( Index Term Link )
  Print PostScript File ( Index Term Link )
  Print Without Labels ( Index Term Link )
  Upgrade File Label ( Index Term Link )
 banner pages
  appearance ( Index Term Link )
  computing the classification ( Index Term Link )
  customizing ( Index Term Link )
  internationalizing ( Index Term Link )
  labeling ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 body pages
  appearance ( Index Term Link )
  labels ( Index Term Link )
 caveats, See handling instructions
  prefixes and suffixes ( Index Term Link )
  strings on banner and trailer pages ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  worksheet example ( Index Term Link )
 CHANNELS keyword ( Index Term Link )
 CHANNELS section
  described ( Index Term Link )
  example ( Index Term Link )
 CIPSO labels
  illustration of ( Index Term Link )
  numerical values ( Index Term Link )
  troubleshooting ( Index Term Link )
  warning in label_encodings file ( Index Term Link )
  changing column header in label builder ( Index Term Link )
  dominance ( Index Term Link )
  example of analyzing ( Index Term Link )
  keywords ( Index Term Link )
  maximum number ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  numerical values ( Index Term Link )
  planning example ( Index Term Link )
  rules for printing ( Index Term Link )
  specifying colors ( Index Term Link )
  syntax ( Index Term Link )
  described ( Index Term Link )
  example ( Index Term Link )
  account label range ( Index Term Link )
  type of label ( Index Term Link )
  worksheet example ( Index Term Link )
 CLEARANCES keyword ( Index Term Link )
  described ( Index Term Link )
  example ( Index Term Link )
 COLOR NAMES section
  color planner ( Index Term Link )
  describing ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  example ( Index Term Link )
  assigning ( Index Term Link )
  finding color values ( Index Term Link )
  rules of use for labels ( Index Term Link )
  specifying for labels ( Index Term Link )
  values ( Index Term Link )
  worksheet example ( Index Term Link )
 column headers, changing in label builder ( Index Term Link )
 combination constraints
  defined ( Index Term Link )
  example ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 COMBINATION CONSTRAINTS keyword ( Index Term Link )
 combination rules, See combination constraints
 Common IP Security Option (CIPSO), See CIPSO labels
  GFI files ( Index Term Link )
  label_encodings files ( Index Term Link )
  labels ( Index Term Link )
  changing column header in label builder ( Index Term Link )
  default and inverse words ( Index Term Link )
  example of words ( Index Term Link )
  numerical values ( Index Term Link )
  planning example ( Index Term Link )
  setting up hierarchies ( Index Term Link )
  words ( Index Term Link )
  worksheet example ( Index Term Link )
 CONFIDENTIAL: INTERNAL_USE_ONLY label, requirements ( Index Term Link )
  groups that use ( Index Term Link )
  requirements ( Index Term Link )
  adding DAC protections ( Index Term Link )
  requirements ( Index Term Link )
 Configuring Security Text on Print Jobs (Task Map) ( Index Term Link )
  banner pages ( Index Term Link )
  color assignments ( Index Term Link )
  color assignments to labels ( Index Term Link )
  handling instructions on printer output ( Index Term Link )
  label appearance ( Index Term Link )
  security text on printer output ( Index Term Link )
 debugging, label_encodings file ( Index Term Link )
 default words, defined ( Index Term Link )
 Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), label_encodings reference ( Index Term Link )
 demonstration files
  label_encodings.example file ( Index Term Link )
  label_encodings.multi file ( Index Term Link )
  label_encodings samples ( Index Term Link )
 dominance ( Index Term Link )
 Downgrade File Label authorization ( Index Term Link )
 encodings file, See label_encodings file
 /etc/security/tsol directory ( Index Term Link )
  ACCREDITATION RANGE section ( Index Term Link )
  CHANNELS section ( Index Term Link )
  CLASSIFICATIONS section ( Index Term Link )
  CLEARANCES section ( Index Term Link )
  COLOR NAMES section ( Index Term Link )
  column headers in label builder ( Index Term Link )
  label_encodings file ( Index Term Link )
  labels planning ( Index Term Link )
  LOCAL DEFINITIONS section ( Index Term Link )
  MAC decision ( Index Term Link )
  PRINTER BANNERS section ( Index Term Link )
  SENSITIVITY LABELS section ( Index Term Link )
  label_encodings.example ( Index Term Link )
  label_encodings.simple ( Index Term Link )
  label_encodings versions ( Index Term Link )
  /usr/lib/lp/postscript/ ( Index Term Link )
  /usr/openwin/lib/rgb.txt ( Index Term Link )
 GFI files
  comparing ( Index Term Link )
  in /etc/security/tsol directory ( Index Term Link )
 handling instructions
  printer banners ( Index Term Link )
  specifying ( Index Term Link )
 INFORMATION LABELS keyword ( Index Term Link )
  described ( Index Term Link )
  example ( Index Term Link )
 initial compartments
  assigning bits to words ( Index Term Link )
  defined ( Index Term Link )
  sample of assigning ( Index Term Link )
 initial compartments= classification keyword ( Index Term Link )
  banner and trailer pages ( Index Term Link )
  printer banner and trailer pages ( Index Term Link )
 inverse words, defined ( Index Term Link )
 keywords for classifications ( Index Term Link )
 label builder, changing column headers ( Index Term Link )
 label_encodings.example file ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 label_encodings.gfi.multi file ( Index Term Link )
 label_encodings.gfi.single file ( Index Term Link )
 label_encodings.multi file ( Index Term Link )
 label_encodings.simple file ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 label_encodings.single file ( Index Term Link )
 label_encodings file
  access-related words ( Index Term Link )
  CHANNELS section ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  classification keywords ( Index Term Link )
  classification name syntax ( Index Term Link )
  classifications example ( Index Term Link )
  color encoding example ( Index Term Link )
  commercial example ( Index Term Link )
  default versions ( Index Term Link )
  describing ( Index Term Link )
  example ( Index Term Link )
  example of creating ( Index Term Link )
  list of ( Index Term Link )
  LOCAL DEFINITIONS section ( Index Term Link )
  planning ( Index Term Link )
  protect as classification ( Index Term Link )
  specifying label colors ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  Sun extensions to GFI encodings ( Index Term Link )
  supplied versions ( Index Term Link )
  syntax ( Index Term Link )
  U.S. government multilabel version ( Index Term Link )
  U.S. government single-label version ( Index Term Link )
  U.S. government versions ( Index Term Link )
  word order requirements ( Index Term Link )
 label limit, clearance ( Index Term Link )
 label ranges, overview ( Index Term Link )
 label translation ( Index Term Link )
  access decisions ( Index Term Link )
  account label range ( Index Term Link )
  accreditation ranges ( Index Term Link )
  arranging relationships ( Index Term Link )
  authorizations for changing ( Index Term Link )
  available during sessions ( Index Term Link )
  banner and trailer pages ( Index Term Link )
  CIPSO ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  color planning example ( Index Term Link )
  commercial example ( Index Term Link )
  comparing ( Index Term Link )
  components ( Index Term Link )
  configuring on printer output ( Index Term Link )
  dominance ( Index Term Link )
  example of analyzing ( Index Term Link )
  files supplied by Sun ( Index Term Link )
  installation example ( Index Term Link )
  internal representation ( Index Term Link )
  length of components ( Index Term Link )
  mandatory access and printing considerations ( Index Term Link )
  minimum protect as classification ( Index Term Link )
  overview of planning ( Index Term Link )
  planning ( Index Term Link )
  printed body pages ( Index Term Link )
  ranges ( Index Term Link )
  requirements for CONFIDENTIAL: INTERNAL_USE_ONLY ( Index Term Link )
  requirements for CONFIDENTIAL: NEED_TO_KNOW ( Index Term Link )
  requirements for CONFIDENTIAL: REGISTERED ( Index Term Link )
  restricting access by ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  session range ( Index Term Link )
  sources for label_encodings files ( Index Term Link )
  specifying colors ( Index Term Link )
  strategizing ( Index Term Link )
  system accreditation range ( Index Term Link )
  textual strings ( Index Term Link )
  translating ( Index Term Link )
  types ( Index Term Link )
  user accreditation range ( Index Term Link )
  valid ( Index Term Link )
  visible in workspaces ( Index Term Link )
  well-formed ( Index Term Link )
  worksheet example ( Index Term Link )
 LOCAL DEFINITIONS keyword ( Index Term Link )
  adding to GFI encodings file ( Index Term Link )
  described ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  example ( Index Term Link )
 Managing Label Encodings (Task Map) ( Index Term Link )
 mandatory access control (MAC)
  defined ( Index Term Link )
  used in access decisions ( Index Term Link )
 minimum clearance, example ( Index Term Link )
 minimum labels
  account label range ( Index Term Link )
  commercial example ( Index Term Link )
 minimum protect as classification
  example ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  printed output ( Index Term Link )
 minimum sensitivity label
  defined ( Index Term Link )
  example ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Modifying Sun Extensions (Task Map) ( Index Term Link )
 name= classification keyword ( Index Term Link )
 planners, See worksheets
 planning labels
  colors ( Index Term Link )
  commercial example ( Index Term Link )
  label_encodings file ( Index Term Link )
  mechanics ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  strategizing ( Index Term Link )
  supporting procedures ( Index Term Link )
  unlabeled printer output ( Index Term Link )
 Planning Labels (Task Map) ( Index Term Link )
 prefixes, in channels ( Index Term Link )
 Print PostScript File authorization ( Index Term Link )
 Print Without Labels authorization ( Index Term Link )
 printer banners
  appearance ( Index Term Link )
  worksheet example ( Index Term Link )
 PRINTER BANNERS keyword ( Index Term Link )
  described ( Index Term Link )
  example ( Index Term Link )
 printer output
  banner text ( Index Term Link )
  changing printed labels ( Index Term Link )
  channels ( Index Term Link )
  configuring labels and text ( Index Term Link )
  planning example ( Index Term Link )
  prefixes and suffixes ( Index Term Link )
  rules for handling ( Index Term Link )
  setting minimum protect as classification ( Index Term Link )
 printing, See printer output
 privileges, changing labels ( Index Term Link )
 protect as classification
  example ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
 required combinations, See combination constraints
 REQUIRED COMBINATIONS keyword ( Index Term Link )
 rgb.txt file ( Index Term Link )
 security policy
  defined ( Index Term Link )
  identifying site requirements ( Index Term Link )
  protecting information ( Index Term Link )
  setting minimum protect as ( Index Term Link )
  site-specific ( Index Term Link )
 sensitivity, type of label ( Index Term Link )
 sensitivity labels, See labels
 SENSITIVITY LABELS keyword ( Index Term Link )
  described ( Index Term Link )
  example ( Index Term Link )
  duration of label restrictions chosen at login ( Index Term Link )
  session range definition ( Index Term Link )
 sname= classification keyword ( Index Term Link )
 strict dominance ( Index Term Link )
 suffixes, in channels ( Index Term Link )
 Sun extensions, See LOCAL DEFINITIONS section
 syntax of label_encodings file ( Index Term Link )
 sys_trans_label privilege ( Index Term Link )
 system accreditation range ( Index Term Link )
 system security policy ( Index Term Link )
 task maps
  Configuring Security Text on Print Jobs (Task Map) ( Index Term Link )
  Managing Label Encodings (Task Map) ( Index Term Link )
  Modifying Sun Extensions (Task Map) ( Index Term Link )
  Planning Labels (Task Map) ( Index Term Link )
 trailer pages
  computing the classification ( Index Term Link )
  example ( Index Term Link )
  internationalizing ( Index Term Link )
  labeling ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  See also internationalizing
  between label representations ( Index Term Link )
 troubleshooting, label_encodings file ( Index Term Link ) file ( Index Term Link )
 types of labels ( Index Term Link )
 Upgrade File Label authorization ( Index Term Link )
 user accreditation range ( Index Term Link )
  authorizations for changing labels ( Index Term Link )
  printing authorizations ( Index Term Link )
  workspace access ( Index Term Link )
 /usr/lib/lp/postscript/ file ( Index Term Link )
 /usr/openwin/lib/rgb.txt file ( Index Term Link )
 value= classification keyword ( Index Term Link )
  of administrative classifications ( Index Term Link )
  of classifications ( Index Term Link )
  of compartments ( Index Term Link )
 VERSION= keyword ( Index Term Link )
 VERSION section
  described ( Index Term Link )
  example ( Index Term Link )
 word order requirements, label_encodings file ( Index Term Link )
 words, planning example ( Index Term Link )
 WORDS keyword ( Index Term Link )
 work groups, represented by label compartments ( Index Term Link )
  channels planner ( Index Term Link )
  classifications planner ( Index Term Link )
  clearances planner ( Index Term Link )
  color planner ( Index Term Link )
  compartments planner ( Index Term Link )
  printer banners planner ( Index Term Link )
  access by users ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  labeled ( Index Term Link )