Java Desktop System Release 3 User Guide
 access keys ( Index Term Link )
  bounce keys ( Index Term Link )
  configuring keyboard ( Index Term Link )
  mouse keys ( Index Term Link )
  repeat keys ( Index Term Link )
  setting assistive technology preferences ( Index Term Link )
  slow keys ( Index Term Link )
  sticky keys ( Index Term Link )
  toggle keys ( Index Term Link )
 AccessX ( Index Term Link )
 action buttons ( Index Term Link )
 applications, terminating ( Index Term Link )
  adding colors ( Index Term Link )
  adding emblems ( Index Term Link )
  adding patterns ( Index Term Link )
  changing desktop background ( Index Term Link )
  changing screen component ( Index Term Link )
  customizing desktop background ( Index Term Link )
 basic skills
  keyboard skills ( Index Term Link )
  mouse skills ( Index Term Link )
  adding ( Index Term Link )
  editing ( Index Term Link )
 bottom edge panel
  default contents ( Index Term Link )
  introduction ( Index Term Link )
 burning CDs ( Index Term Link )
  adding to panel ( Index Term Link )
  Force Quit ( Index Term Link )
  Lock ( Index Term Link )
  Log Out ( Index Term Link )
  Run ( Index Term Link )
  Screenshot ( Index Term Link )
  Search ( Index Term Link )
  Show Desktop ( Index Term Link )
 CDs, writing ( Index Term Link )
 character encoding ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 closing windows ( Index Term Link )
 color, selecting ( Index Term Link )
 common tasks
  opening a file from an application ( Index Term Link )
  selecting a color ( Index Term Link )
  selecting a font ( Index Term Link )
 copying files and folders, file manager ( Index Term Link )
 default applications ( Index Term Link )
 desktop background
  adding a file or folder to ( Index Term Link )
  adding emblems to objects ( Index Term Link )
  adding launchers ( Index Term Link )
  adding notes to objects ( Index Term Link )
  adding symbolic links ( Index Term Link )
  background, changing pattern or color ( Index Term Link )
  changing icon of a desktop background object ( Index Term Link )
  changing permissions of object ( Index Term Link )
  copying a file or folder to ( Index Term Link )
  creating a folder on ( Index Term Link )
  customizing background ( Index Term Link )
  deleting an object from ( Index Term Link )
  introduction ( Index Term Link )
  moving a file or folder to ( Index Term Link )
  opening objects ( Index Term Link )
  removing an object from ( Index Term Link )
  renaming object ( Index Term Link )
  resizing icons ( Index Term Link )
  selecting objects ( Index Term Link )
  using Desktop Background menu ( Index Term Link )
  using Trash ( Index Term Link )
  viewing properties of object ( Index Term Link )
 Desktop Background menu
  description ( Index Term Link )
  illustration ( Index Term Link )
 desktop background objects
  adding emblems ( Index Term Link )
  adding notes to ( Index Term Link )
  changing icons ( Index Term Link )
  changing permissions ( Index Term Link )
  deleting ( Index Term Link )
  files and folders ( Index Term Link )
  launchers ( Index Term Link )
  opening ( Index Term Link )
  removing ( Index Term Link )
  renaming ( Index Term Link )
  resizing icons ( Index Term Link )
  selecting ( Index Term Link )
  symbolic links ( Index Term Link )
  viewing properties ( Index Term Link )
 devices, PDA ( Index Term Link )
 displaying folders, file manager ( Index Term Link )
  adding objects to ( Index Term Link )
  adding to panel ( Index Term Link )
  closing ( Index Term Link )
  modifying properties ( Index Term Link )
  opening ( Index Term Link )
 email client, preferred application ( Index Term Link )
  adding new ( Index Term Link )
  adding to desktop background objects ( Index Term Link )
  adding to file ( Index Term Link )
  adding to folder ( Index Term Link )
  introduction ( Index Term Link )
 events, associating sounds with ( Index Term Link )
 favorite locations, bookmarks ( Index Term Link )
 file manager
  assigning actions to files ( Index Term Link )
  changing permissions ( Index Term Link )
  creating documents ( Index Term Link )
  creating folders ( Index Term Link )
  creating symbolic link ( Index Term Link )
  customizing ( Index Term Link )
  deleting files or folders ( Index Term Link )
  duplicating files and folders ( Index Term Link )
  emblems ( Index Term Link )
  executing default actions for files ( Index Term Link )
  executing non-default actions for files ( Index Term Link )
  executing other actions for files ( Index Term Link )
  icon view
   arranging files in ( Index Term Link )
   caption preferences ( Index Term Link )
   changing ( Index Term Link )
   resizing ( Index Term Link )
  introduction ( Index Term Link )
  managing files and folders ( Index Term Link )
  modifying actions ( Index Term Link )
  modifying appearance of files and folders ( Index Term Link )
  moving files and folders ( Index Term Link )
  navigating ( Index Term Link )
   adding ( Index Term Link )
   deleting ( Index Term Link )
   behavior ( Index Term Link )
   icon captions ( Index Term Link )
   introduction ( Index Term Link )
   preview ( Index Term Link )
   views ( Index Term Link )
  renaming folders ( Index Term Link )
  selecting files and folders ( Index Term Link )
  Trash ( Index Term Link )
  viewing properties ( Index Term Link )
   choosing ( Index Term Link )
   introduction ( Index Term Link )
   modifying behavior ( Index Term Link )
  windows ( Index Term Link )
  writing CDs ( Index Term Link )
  zooming in and out ( Index Term Link )
 file types
  adding ( Index Term Link )
  configuring ( Index Term Link )
  editing ( Index Term Link )
 focus, giving to a window ( Index Term Link )
  applications ( Index Term Link )
  desktop background ( Index Term Link )
  rendering ( Index Term Link )
  selecting ( Index Term Link )
  terminal ( Index Term Link )
  window title ( Index Term Link )
 Force Quit button ( Index Term Link )
 FTP sites, accessing ( Index Term Link )
 GTK+ themes ( Index Term Link )
 history, navigate from file manager ( Index Term Link )
 hot keys, configuring ( Index Term Link )
 icon themes ( Index Term Link )
 icon view
  file manager
   illustration ( Index Term Link )
  file manager
   introduction ( Index Term Link )
 input methods, preferences ( Index Term Link )
 Internet, configuring connection ( Index Term Link )
  basic skills ( Index Term Link )
  configuring accessibility options ( Index Term Link )
  configuring general preferences ( Index Term Link )
  configuring shortcuts ( Index Term Link )
  configuring sound preferences ( Index Term Link )
 Launch menu
  adding to panel ( Index Term Link )
  opening ( Index Term Link )
  adding to panel ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  modifying properties ( Index Term Link )
  sample link commands ( Index Term Link )
 Lock button ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 locking panel objects ( Index Term Link )
 locking screen ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Log Out button ( Index Term Link )
 logging in
  in a nested window ( Index Term Link )
  Linux systems ( Index Term Link )
  new session ( Index Term Link )
  Solaris systems ( Index Term Link )
 logging out ( Index Term Link )
  sessions ( Index Term Link )
 login in nested window ( Index Term Link )
 maximizing windows ( Index Term Link )
 Menu Bar
  adding to panel ( Index Term Link )
  introduction ( Index Term Link )
 menu item popup menu, description ( Index Term Link )
  Actions menu ( Index Term Link )
  adding ( Index Term Link )
  adding launchers to ( Index Term Link )
  adding to panel ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  Applications menu ( Index Term Link )
  copying launchers to ( Index Term Link )
  customizing ( Index Term Link )
  deleting menu items ( Index Term Link )
  Desktop Background menu ( Index Term Link )
  editing menu items ( Index Term Link )
  editing properties ( Index Term Link )
  features ( Index Term Link )
  in applications, customizing appearance ( Index Term Link )
  introduction ( Index Term Link )
  Launch ( Index Term Link )
  Menu Bar ( Index Term Link )
  menu item popup menu ( Index Term Link )
  Window Menu ( Index Term Link )
 Metacity themes ( Index Term Link )
 minimizing windows ( Index Term Link )
  actions ( Index Term Link )
  basic skills ( Index Term Link )
  button conventions ( Index Term Link )
  configuring ( Index Term Link )
  pointers ( Index Term Link )
 moving windows ( Index Term Link )
 nested window ( Index Term Link )
 network places
  accessing ( Index Term Link )
  adding ( Index Term Link )
 new session, nested window ( Index Term Link )
  adding to desktop background objects ( Index Term Link )
  adding to files and folders ( Index Term Link )
  deleting ( Index Term Link )
 Notification Area ( Index Term Link )
 opening a file
  from an application ( Index Term Link )
  from the file manager ( Index Term Link )
 panel applications
  adding to panel ( Index Term Link )
  introduction ( Index Term Link )
  modifying preferences ( Index Term Link )
  Notification Area ( Index Term Link )
  selecting ( Index Term Link )
  Window List ( Index Term Link )
  Workspace Switcher ( Index Term Link )
 panel object popup menu, illustration ( Index Term Link )
 panel objects
  adding ( Index Term Link )
  drawers ( Index Term Link )
  Force Quit button ( Index Term Link )
  interacting with ( Index Term Link )
  launchers ( Index Term Link )
  Lock button ( Index Term Link )
  locking ( Index Term Link )
  Log Out button ( Index Term Link )
  menus ( Index Term Link )
  modifying properties ( Index Term Link )
  moving ( Index Term Link )
  Notification Area ( Index Term Link )
  panel applications ( Index Term Link )
  removing ( Index Term Link )
  Run button ( Index Term Link )
  Screenshot button ( Index Term Link )
  Search button ( Index Term Link )
  Show Desktop button ( Index Term Link )
  adding new ( Index Term Link )
  bottom edge panel ( Index Term Link )
  changing background ( Index Term Link )
  customizing behavior and appearance ( Index Term Link )
  deleting ( Index Term Link )
  hiding ( Index Term Link )
  interacting with ( Index Term Link )
  introduction ( Index Term Link )
  managing ( Index Term Link )
  modifying properties ( Index Term Link )
  moving ( Index Term Link )
  panel objects ( Index Term Link )
 panes, resizing ( Index Term Link )
 passwords, changing on Linux systems ( Index Term Link )
  and emblems ( Index Term Link )
  changing file and folder ( Index Term Link )
  displaying as characters ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  displaying in octal notation ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  introduction ( Index Term Link )
 pointers ( Index Term Link )
 preference tools
  Assistive Technology ( Index Term Link )
  CD Database Server ( Index Term Link )
  CD Device Options ( Index Term Link )
  Desktop Background ( Index Term Link )
  File Associations ( Index Term Link )
  Folders ( Index Term Link )
  Fonts ( Index Term Link )
  Input Methods ( Index Term Link )
  Keyboard ( Index Term Link )
  Keyboard Accessibility ( Index Term Link )
  Keyboard Layout ( Index Term Link )
  Keyboard Layout Options ( Index Term Link )
  Keyboard Shortcuts ( Index Term Link )
  Menus & Toolbars ( Index Term Link )
  Mouse ( Index Term Link )
  Panel ( Index Term Link )
  Password ( Index Term Link )
  PDA Devices ( Index Term Link )
  Preferred Applications ( Index Term Link )
  Printer Preferences ( Index Term Link )
  Proxy Configuration ( Index Term Link )
  Screen Resolution ( Index Term Link )
  Screensaver ( Index Term Link )
  Sessions ( Index Term Link )
  Sound ( Index Term Link )
  Theme ( Index Term Link )
  Windows Behavior ( Index Term Link )
  Wireless Networks ( Index Term Link )
 preferences, file manager ( Index Term Link )
 preferred applications
  email client ( Index Term Link )
  terminal ( Index Term Link )
  text editor ( Index Term Link )
  web browser ( Index Term Link )
 printer preferences ( Index Term Link )
 proxy configuration, setting preferences ( Index Term Link )
 remote desktop, setting preferences ( Index Term Link )
 removable media
  displaying media contents ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  displaying media properties ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  ejecting ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  formatting ( Index Term Link )
  formatting floppy diskette ( Index Term Link )
  introduction ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  on Linux systems ( Index Term Link )
  on Solaris systems ( Index Term Link )
 resizing windows ( Index Term Link )
 restoring windows ( Index Term Link )
 rolling up windows ( Index Term Link )
 Run Application dialog, using ( Index Term Link )
 Run button ( Index Term Link )
 Samba servers ( Index Term Link )
 saving a file to another location ( Index Term Link )
 screensaver, setting preferences ( Index Term Link )
 Screenshot button ( Index Term Link )
 screenshots, taking ( Index Term Link )
 Search button ( Index Term Link )
 selecting a color ( Index Term Link )
 selecting a font ( Index Term Link )
  adding ( Index Term Link )
  configuring ( Index Term Link )
  editing ( Index Term Link )
  browsing applications ( Index Term Link )
  configuring screensaver ( Index Term Link )
  ending ( Index Term Link )
  locking screen ( Index Term Link )
  login behavior ( Index Term Link )
  logout behavior ( Index Term Link )
  managing ( Index Term Link )
  preferences ( Index Term Link )
  saving session settings ( Index Term Link )
  setting options ( Index Term Link )
  setting properties ( Index Term Link )
  starting ( Index Term Link )
  using startup applications ( Index Term Link )
 shortcut keys
  application ( Index Term Link )
  configuring ( Index Term Link )
  general ( Index Term Link )
  panel ( Index Term Link )
  window ( Index Term Link )
 Show Desktop button ( Index Term Link )
 side pane ( Index Term Link )
  file manager
   introduction ( Index Term Link )
  associating events with sounds ( Index Term Link )
  configuring system bell preferences ( Index Term Link )
  setting preferences ( Index Term Link )
 sound server ( Index Term Link )
 special URI locations
  accessing ( Index Term Link )
  and launchers ( Index Term Link )
 startup applications
  customizing ( Index Term Link )
  non-session-managed ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  session-managed ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 startup programs ( Index Term Link )
 symbolic links
  adding to the desktop background ( Index Term Link )
  and emblems ( Index Term Link )
  to file or folder, creating ( Index Term Link )
 system bell, configuring preferences ( Index Term Link )
 tables, using ( Index Term Link )
 terminal, preferred application ( Index Term Link )
 terminating applications ( Index Term Link )
 text editor, preferred application ( Index Term Link )
  controls options
   introduction ( Index Term Link )
  icons options
   introduction ( Index Term Link )
  setting controls options ( Index Term Link )
  setting icons options ( Index Term Link )
  setting window frame options ( Index Term Link )
  window frame options
   introduction ( Index Term Link )
 This Computer location, using ( Index Term Link )
 toolbars, customizing appearance ( Index Term Link )
  displaying ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  emptying ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  introduction ( Index Term Link )
  moving files or folders to ( Index Term Link )
  using on desktop ( Index Term Link )
 URI, special ( Index Term Link )
 using navigation history, history list ( Index Term Link )
 using tree view, file manager ( Index Term Link )
 view pane
  file manager ( Index Term Link )
  introduction ( Index Term Link )
  viewing files in ( Index Term Link )
 viewer components ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 viewing files in view pane, file manager ( Index Term Link )
 web browser, preferred application ( Index Term Link )
 Window List panel application
  grouping buttons ( Index Term Link )
  introduction ( Index Term Link )
  window status information ( Index Term Link )
 window lists, Window List panel application ( Index Term Link )
 window manager, customizing ( Index Term Link )
 window selector ( Index Term Link )
 window selector icon ( Index Term Link )
  closing ( Index Term Link )
  frame control elements ( Index Term Link )
  frames ( Index Term Link )
  giving focus to ( Index Term Link )
  introduction ( Index Term Link )
  manipulating ( Index Term Link )
  maximizing ( Index Term Link )
  minimizing ( Index Term Link )
  moving ( Index Term Link )
  moving to another workspace ( Index Term Link )
  panel applications and menus for working with ( Index Term Link )
  putting on all workspaces ( Index Term Link )
  resizing ( Index Term Link )
  resizing panes ( Index Term Link )
  restoring ( Index Term Link )
  rolling up ( Index Term Link )
  setting frame theme options ( Index Term Link )
  themes ( Index Term Link )
  types of ( Index Term Link )
  using tables ( Index Term Link )
  window managers ( Index Term Link )
  Window Menu ( Index Term Link )
 wireless networks, customizing ( Index Term Link )
 Workspace Switcher panel application ( Index Term Link )
  adding ( Index Term Link )
  deleting ( Index Term Link )
  introduction ( Index Term Link )
  manipulating ( Index Term Link )
  moving windows to ( Index Term Link )
  naming ( Index Term Link )
  switching between ( Index Term Link )
  Workspace Switcher panel application ( Index Term Link )
 writing CDs ( Index Term Link )
 XScreenSaver ( Index Term Link )