Java Desktop System Release 3 User Guide

To Access Media on Linux Systems

When you access media, the file system of the media is attached as a subdirectory to your file system. An object that represents the removable media device is present on the desktop background. Systems that have removable media devices installed always display the relevant object on the desktop, regardless of whether any media is detected in the device.

To access media, perform the following steps:

  1. Insert the media into the appropriate device.

  2. Double-click on the device object in the desktop background to access the media.

Alternatively, perform the following steps:

  1. Double-click on the This Computer object.

  2. Double-click on the device containing the media from the This Computer window.

Hotplug automatically configures USB removable storage devices when you connect them to your computer. An object that represents the device is added to the desktop background and inside This Computer. You can double-click these objects to access the USB removable storage devices.

Note –

You cannot change the name of a removable media object.