Java Desktop System Release 3 Administration Guide

To Use Window Frame Theme Options Which Require Less CPU Resources

Some window frame theme options load image files to draw the window frame. Other options use simpler techniques to draw the window frame.

The Crux window frame option loads image files, and can be slow on systems with limited CPU resources. To reduce CPU usage, use one of the following window frame options:

The following window frame options also use less CPU resources than Crux:

Note –

Metabox does not work well with inverse controls options such as HighContrastInverse. Use Atlanta with inverse controls options.

To change the window frame theme option, execute the following command:

# gconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/metacity/general/theme option-name

For example, to use Atlanta, execute the following command:

# gconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/metacity/general/theme Atlanta

Alternatively, users can use the Theme preference tool to select the appropriate option.

Tip –

You can use the Metacity Theme Viewer to measure the performance of a window frame option, and to preview the option. To start Metacity Theme Viewer, execute the following command:

# metacity-theme-viewer option-name

For example, to measure the performance of Atlanta and preview Atlanta, execute the following command:

# metacity-theme-viewer Atlanta