Java Desktop System Release 3 Accessibility Guide

A.7 Configuring Two USB Mouse Devices on Solaris x86 Systems

To configure two mouse devices on a Solaris x86 system, perform the following steps:

  1. Before you connect the second mouse to your system, enter the following command to list the existing devices:

    ls -l /dev/usb/hid*

  2. Connect the second mouse to your system.

  3. Enter the following command again to list the new device:

    ls -l /dev/usb/hid*

  4. Open the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.

  5. Edit the ServerLayout section as follows:

    Section "ServerLayout"
             Identifier     " Configured"
             Screen      0  "Screen0" 0 0
             InputDevice    "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
             InputDevice    "Mouse1"
             InputDevice    "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"

  6. Edit the InputDevice section as follows:

    Section "InputDevice"
             Identifier  "Mouse0"
             Driver      "mouse"
             Option      "Protocol" "VUID"
             Option      "Device" "/dev/mouse"

  7. Insert a second InputDevice section as follows:

    Section "InputDevice"
             Identifier  "Mouse1"
             Driver      "mouse"
             Option      "Protocol" "VUID"
             Option      "StreamsModule" "usbms"
             Option      "Device" "/dev/usb/hidx"


    /dev/usb/hidx is the device name that you identified in Step 3.

  8. Save the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file.

  9. Restart the X Server.