Oracle Solaris ZFS Administration Guide

Renaming ZFS Snapshots

You can rename snapshots, but they must be renamed within the same pool and dataset from which they were created. For example:

# zfs rename tank/home/cindys@083006 tank/home/cindys@today

In addition, the following shortcut syntax is equivalent to the preceding syntax:

# zfs rename tank/home/cindys@083006 today

The following snapshot rename operation is not supported because the target pool and file system name are different from the pool and file system where the snapshot was created:

# zfs rename tank/home/cindys@today pool/home/cindys@saturday
cannot rename to 'pool/home/cindys@today': snapshots must be part of same 

You can recursively rename snapshots by using the zfs rename -r command. For example:

# zfs list
NAME                         USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
users                        270K  16.5G    22K  /users
users/home                    76K  16.5G    22K  /users/home
users/home@yesterday            0      -    22K  -
users/home/markm              18K  16.5G    18K  /users/home/markm
users/home/markm@yesterday      0      -    18K  -
users/home/marks              18K  16.5G    18K  /users/home/marks
users/home/marks@yesterday      0      -    18K  -
users/home/neil               18K  16.5G    18K  /users/home/neil
users/home/neil@yesterday       0      -    18K  -
# zfs rename -r users/home@yesterday @2daysago
# zfs list -r users/home
NAME                        USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
users/home                   76K  16.5G    22K  /users/home
users/home@2daysago            0      -    22K  -
users/home/markm             18K  16.5G    18K  /users/home/markm
users/home/markm@2daysago      0      -    18K  -
users/home/marks             18K  16.5G    18K  /users/home/marks
users/home/marks@2daysago      0      -    18K  -
users/home/neil              18K  16.5G    18K  /users/home/neil
users/home/neil@2daysago       0      -    18K  -