Solaris 10 6/06 Installation Guide: Custom JumpStart and Advanced Installations

Patches Stored on an NFS Server

If the patch is stored on an NFS server, use one of the following syntaxes for the patch keyword.

patch patch_id_list | patch_file nfs server_name:/patch_directory [retry n]
patch patch_id_list | patch_file nfs://server_name/patch_director  [retry n]

Specifies the patch ID numbers that are to be installed. The list should be a list of comma-separated Solaris patch IDs. The patches are installed in the order specified in the list.


A file with a list of patches that is found in the patch_location. The patches are installed in the order specified in the file.


Specifies the name of the server where you stored the patches.


Specifies the location of the patch directory on the specified server. The patches must be in standard patch format.

retry n

Is an optional keyword. n is the maximum number of times the install utility attempts to mount the directory.

Example 11–18 Adding a Patch With an Ordered List by Using NFS

In this example, the patch profile keyword adds all the patches listed in the patch file from the NFS patch directory nfs://patch_master/Solaris/v10_606/patches. Patches are installed in the order listed in the patch. If a mount fails, the NFS mount is tried five times.

patch patch_file nfs://patch_master/Solaris/v10_606/patches retry 5

Example 11–19 Adding a Patch by Using NFS

In this example, the patch profile keyword adds the patches 112467–01 and 112765–02 from the patch directory /Solaris/v10_606/patches on the server patch_master.

patch 112467-01,112765-02 nfs patch_master:/Solaris/v10_606/patches