Solaris 10 6/06 Installation Guide: Custom JumpStart and Advanced Installations

install_type Profile Keyword

install_type initial_upgrade_flash_switch

install_type defines whether to erase and install a new Solaris OS on a system, upgrade the existing Solaris OS on a system, or install a Solaris Flash archive on the system.

Note –

You must specify install_type in a profile, and install_type must be the first profile keyword in every profile.

You must use one of the following options for the initial_upgrade_flash_switch:


Specifies to perform an initial installation of the Solaris OS


Specifies to perform an upgrade of the Solaris OS


Specifies to install a Solaris Flash archive that overwrites all files


Specifies to install a Solaris Flash differential archive that overwrites only the files that are specified

Note –

Some profile keywords can only be used with the initial_install option. Some profile keywords can only be used with the upgrade option. Some profile keywords can only be used with the flash_install option.