Notas de la versión de Solaris 10 6/06

La actualización de Solaris 10 a Solaris 10 6/06 devuelve errores de SMF e infracción de paquetes al reiniciar (6421275)

Al actualizar de Solaris 10 a Solaris 10 6/06, se producen varios errores SMF y de infracción de paquetes al reiniciar. Aparece el mensaje de error siguiente.

oyster console login: May  3 15:05:47 svc.startd[7]: 
svc:/system/basicreg:default: Method "/usr/sbin/sconadm register -c -m autoreg" 
failed with exit status 1.
May  3 15:05:48 svc.startd[7]: svc:/system/basicreg:default: 
Method "/usr/sbin/sconadm register -c -m autoreg" failed with exit status 1.
May  3 15:05:48 svc.startd[7]: svc:/system/basicreg:default: 
Method "/usr/sbin/sconadm register -c -m autoreg" failed with exit status 1.
May  3 15:05:48 svc.startd[7]: system/basicreg:default failed

#scvs -xv
svc:/system/basicreg:default (?)
State: maintenance since Wed May 03 15:05:48 2006
Reason: Start method failed repeatedly, last exited with status 1.
  See: /var/svc/log/system-basicreg:default.log
Impact: This service is not running.
# cat  /var/svc/log/system-basicreg:default.log
[ May  3 15:05:33 Enabled. ]
[ May  3 15:05:33 Rereading configuration. ]
[ May  3 15:05:47 Executing start method 
("/usr/sbin/sconadm register -c -m autoreg") ]
You must accept terms of use (by passing in -a) in order to register.
The terms of use and binary code license agreement are located at:
Terms of Use :
Binary Code License Agreement :
[ May  3 15:05:48 Method "start" exited with status 1 ]
[ May  3 15:05:48 Executing start method 
("/usr/sbin/sconadm register -c -m autoreg") ]
You must accept terms of use (by passing in -a) in order to register.
The terms of use and binary code license agreement are located at:
Terms of Use :

Binary Code License Agreement :
[ May  3 15:05:48 Method "start" exited with status 1 ]
we also had multiple packages owning the same type "f" files 
after zones upgrade as follows:


    Solución: Siga estos pasos:

  1. Inicie una sesión en el sistema como superusuario.

  2. Desinstale los paquetes SUNWbrg, SUNWbreg y SUNWdc.

    # pkgrm SUNWbrg, SUNWbreg, SUNWdc
  3. Descargue el paquete SUNWbrg del soporte de distribución de Solaris y guárdelo en el directorio /tmp.

  4. Instale el paquete SUNWbrg.

    # pkgadd -d /tmp SUNWbrg
  5. Habilite el servicio BR SMF.

    # svccfg import /var/svc/manifest/system/br.xml
  6. Ejecute una herramienta de registro interactivo.

    # /usr/sbin/sconadm register -c