Solaris 10 11/06 Installation Guide: Custom JumpStart and Advanced Installations

archive_location Keyword

archive_location retrieval_type location

The values of retrieval_type and location depend on where the Solaris Flash archive is stored. The following sections contain the values you can use for retrieval_type and location and examples of how to use the archive_location keyword.


Specifics for locations are noted in the following sections.

Caution – Caution –

Solaris Flash archive cannot be properly created when a non-global zone is installed. The Solaris Flash feature is not compatible with the Solaris Zones partitioning technology. If you create a Solaris Flash archive, the resulting archive is not installed properly when the archive is deployed under these conditions:

Archive Stored on an NFS Server

If the archive is stored on an NFS server, use the following syntax for the archive_location keyword.

archive_location nfs server_name:/path/filename retry n

The name of the server where you stored the archive.


The location of the archive to be retrieved from the specified server. If the path contains $HOST, the Solaris Flash installation utilities replace $HOST with the name of the clone system that you are installing.


The name of the Solaris Flash archive file.

retry n

An optional keyword. n is the maximum number of times the Solaris Flash utilities attempt to mount the archive.

Example 8–1 Archive Stored on an NFS Server

archive_location nfs golden:/archives/usrarchive

archive_location nfs://golden/archives/usrarchive

Archive Stored on an HTTP or HTTPS Server

If the archive is stored on an HTTP server, use the following syntax for the archive_location keyword.

archive_location http://server_name:port/path/filename optional_keywords

If the archive is stored on an HTTPS server, use the following syntax for the archive_location keyword.

archive_location https://server_name:port/path/filename optional_keywords

The name of the server where you stored the archive.


An optional port. port can be a port number or the name of a TCP service that has a port number that is determined at runtime.

If you do not specify a port, the Solaris Flash installation utilities use the default HTTP port number, 80.


The location of the archive to be retrieved from the specified server. If the path contains $HOST, the Solaris Flash installation utilities replace $HOST with the name of the clone system that you are installing.


The name of the Solaris Flash archive file.


The optional keywords that you can specify when you retrieve a Solaris Flash archive from an HTTP server.

Table 8–3 Optional Keywords to Use With archive_location HTTP


Value Definition 

auth basic user_name password

If the archive is located on an HTTP server that is password protected, you must include the user name and password that you need to access the HTTP server in the profile file.  

Note –

The use of this authentication method in a profile that is intended for use with custom JumpStart is risky. Unauthorized users might have access to the profile file that contains the password.

timeout min

The timeout keyword enables you to specify, in minutes, the maximum length of time that is allowed to pass without receipt of data from the HTTP server. If a timeout occurs, the connection is closed, reopened, and resumed. If you specify a timeout value of 0 (zero), the connection is not reopened.

  • If a timeout reconnection occurs, the Solaris Flash installation utilities attempt to resume the installation at the last known position in the archive. If the Solaris Flash installation utilities cannot resume the installation at the last known position, the retrieval restarts from the beginning of the archive and the data that was retrieved prior to the timeout is discarded.

  • If a timeout reconnection occurs while a package is being installed, the package is retried from the beginning of the package and the data that was retrieved prior to the timeout is discarded.

proxy host:port

The proxy keyword enables you to specify a proxy host and proxy port. You can use a proxy host to retrieve a Solaris Flash archive from the other side of a firewall. You must supply a proxy port when you specify the proxy keyword.

Example 8–2 Archive Stored on a HTTP or HTTPS Server

archive_location http://silver/archives/usrarchive.flar timeout 5 

Example of the auth basic user_name password keyword:

archive_location http://silver/archives/usrarchive.flar timeout 5 user1 secret

Archive Stored on an FTP Server

If the archive is stored on an FTP server, use the following syntax for the archive_location keyword.

archive_location ftp://user_name:password@server_name:port/path/filename optional_keywords

The user name and password that you need to access the FTP server in the profile file.


The name of the server where you stored the archive.


A is an optional port. port can be a port number or the name of a TCP service that has a port number that is determined at runtime.

If you do not specify a port, the Solaris Flash installation utilities use the default FTP port number, 21.


The location of the archive to be retrieved from the specified server. If the path contains $HOST, the Solaris Flash installation utilities replace $HOST with the name of the clone system that you are installing.


The name of the Solaris Flash archive file.


The optional keywords that you can specify when you retrieve a Solaris Flash archive from an FTP server.

Table 8–4 Optional Keywords to Use With archive_location FTP


Value Definition 

timeout min

The timeout keyword enables you to specify, in minutes, the maximum length of time that is allowed to pass without receipt of data from the HTTP server. If a timeout occurs, the connection is closed, reopened, and resumed. If you specify a timeout value of 0 (zero), the connection is not reopened.

  • If a timeout reconnection occurs, the Solaris Flash installation utilities attempt to resume the installation at the last known position in the archive. If the Solaris Flash installation utilities cannot resume the installation at the last known position, the retrieval restarts from the beginning of the archive and the data that was retrieved prior to the timeout is discarded.

  • If a timeout reconnection occurs while a package is being installed, the package is retried from the beginning of the package and the data that was retrieved prior to the timeout is discarded.

proxy host:port

The proxy keyword enables you to specify a proxy host and proxy port. You can use a proxy host to retrieve a Solaris Flash archive from the other side of a firewall. You must supply a proxy port when you specify the proxy keyword.

Example 8–3 Archive Stored on an FTP Server

archive_location ftp://user1:secret@silver/archives/usrarchive.flar timeout 5

Archive Stored on a Local Tape

If the archive is stored on a tape, use the following syntax for the archive_location keyword.

archive_location local_tape device position

The name of the tape drive where you stored the Solaris Flash archive. If the device name is a canonical path, the Solaris Flash installation utilities retrieve the archive from the path to the device node. If you supply a device name that is not a canonical path, the Solaris Flash installation utilities add /dev/rmt/ to the path.


Designates the place on the tape drive where you saved the archive. If you do not supply a position, the Solaris Flash installation utilities retrieve the archive from the current position on the tape drive. By specifying a position, you can place a begin script or a sysidcfg file on the tape drive before the archive.

Example 8–4 Archive Stored on a Local Tape

archive_location local_tape /dev/rmt/0n 5

archive_location local_tape 0n 5

Archive Stored on a Local Device

You can retrieve a Solaris Flash archive from a local device if you stored the Solaris Flash archive on a file system-oriented, random-access device, such as a diskette or a DVD. Use the following syntax for the archive_location keyword.

Note –

You can retrieve an archive from stream-oriented devices, such as tape, by using the syntax for local tape.

archive_location local_device device path/filename file_system_type

The name of the drive where you stored the Solaris Flash archive. If the device name is a canonical path, the device is mounted directly. If you supply a device name that is not a canonical path, the Solaris Flash installation utilities add /dev/dsk/ to the path.


The path to the Solaris Flash archive, relative to the root of the file system on the device you specified. If the path contains $HOST, the Solaris Flash installation utilities replace $HOST with the name of the clone system that you are installing.


The name of the Solaris Flash archive file.


Specifies the type of file system on the device. If you do not supply a file system type, the Solaris Flash installation utilities attempt to mount a UFS file system. If the UFS mount fails, the Solaris Flash installation utilities attempt to mount an HSFS file system.

Example 8–5 Archive Stored on a Local Device

To retrieve an archive from a local hard drive that is formatted as a UFS file system, use the following command:

archive_location local_device c0t0d0s0 /archives/$HOST

To retrieve an archive from a local CD-ROM that has an HSFS file system, use the following command:

archive_location local_device c0t0d0s0 /archives/usrarchive

Archive Stored on a Local File

You can retrieve an archive that you stored in the miniroot from which you booted the clone system as a local file. When you perform a custom JumpStart installation, you boot the system from a DVD, CD, or an NFS-based miniroot. The installation software is loaded and run from this miniroot. Therefore, a Solaris Flash archive that you stored in the DVD, CD, or NFS-based miniroot is accessible as a local file. Use the following syntax for the archive_location keyword.

archive_location local_file path/filename 

The location of the archive. The path must be accessible to the system as a local file while the system is booted from the Solaris Software - 1 CD or from the Solaris Operating System DVD. The system cannot access /net or any other automounted directory when it is booted from the Solaris Software - 1 CD or from the Solaris Operating System DVD.


The name of the Solaris Flash archive file.

Example 8–6 Archive Stored on a Local File

archive_location local_file /archives/usrarchive