Solaris 10 11/06 Installation Guide: Solaris Flash Archives (Creation and Installation)

General Keywords

Each Solaris Flash archive section is defined by the section_begin and section_end keywords. For example, the archive files section includes a section_begin keyword, though with a different value. User-defined archive sections are delimited by section_begin and section_end keywords, with values appropriate to each section. The values for the section_begin and section_end keywords are described in the following table.

Table 5–2 Values for section_begin and section_end Keywords

Archive Section 

Value for section_begin and section_end keywords

Archive cookie 

cookie – This section is not delimited by the section_begin and section_end keywords.

Archive identification 


User-defined sections 

section_name – An example of a section_name keyword is X-user_section_1.

Archive files 
