
ProcedureSPARC: 如何使用引导 PROM 更改缺省引导设备

将缺省引导设备更改为某个其他设备之前,可能需要标识系统上的设备。有关如何标识系统上设备的信息,请参见SPARC: 如何标识系统中的设备

  1. 更改为运行级别 0。

    # init 0

    此时将显示 ok PROM 提示符。有关更多信息,请参见 init(1M) 手册页。

  2. 更改 boot-device 参数的值。

    ok setenv boot-device device[n]

    请使用 probe 命令之一,帮助您标识磁盘编号。

  3. 确认缺省引导设备已更改。

    ok printenv boot-device
  4. 保存新 boot-device 值。

    ok reset-all

    boot-device 值将被写入 PROM。

示例 11–2 SPARC: 更改缺省引导设备


# init 0
INIT: New run level: 0
The system is down.
syncing file systems... done
Program terminated
ok setenv boot-device /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3/disk@1,0
boot-device =         /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3/disk@1,0
ok printenv boot-device
boot-device           /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3/disk@1,0
ok boot
Resetting ... 

screen not found.
Can't open input device.
Keyboard not present.  Using ttya for input and output.

Sun Enterprise 220R (2 X UltraSPARC-II 450MHz), No Keyboard
OpenBoot 3.23, 1024 MB memory installed, Serial #13116682.
Ethernet address 8:0:20:c8:25:a, Host ID: 80c8250a.

Rebooting with command: boot disk1                                    
Boot device: /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3/disk@1,0  File and args:


# init 0
INIT: New run level: 0
The system is down.
syncing file systems... done
Program terminated
ok setenv boot-device net
boot-device =         net
ok printenv boot-device
boot-device           net                    disk
ok reset
Sun Ultra 5/10 UPA/PCI (UltraSPARC-IIi 333MHz), No Keyboard
OpenBoot 3.15, 128 MB memory installed, Serial #number.
Ethernet address number, Host ID: number.

Boot device: net  File and args:
pluto console login: