系统管理指南:Oracle Solaris Containers-资源管理和 Oracle Solaris Zones


可以使用带有 -l 选项、表达式 zone,以及 -v 选项的 ppriv 实用程序列出区域的权限。

  1. 登录到非全局区域。此示例使用名为 my-zone 的区域。

  2. 在提示符下,键入 ppriv -l -v zone 报告区域中的一组可用权限,同时给出每个权限的说明。

    my-zone# ppriv -l -v zone


            Allows a process to request critical events without limitation.
            Allows a process to request reliable delivery of all events on
            any event queue.
            Allows a process to observe contract events generated by
            contracts created and owned by users other than the process's
            effective user ID.
            Allows a process to open contract event endpoints belonging to
            contracts created and owned by users other than the process's
            effective user ID.
            Allows a process to change a file's owner user ID.
            Allows a process to change a file's group ID to one other than
            the process' effective group ID or one of the process'
            supplemental group IDs.