Solaris 10 资源管理器开发者指南

访问 exacct 文件的 C 代码示例

本节提供访问 exacct 文件的代码示例。

示例 3–1 显示与指定的 pid 对应的 exacct 数据

本示例显示内核中特定 pidexacct 数据快照。


  ea_object_t *scratch;

  int unpk_flag = EUP_ALLOC;  /* use the same allocation flag */

                              /* for unpack and free */

  /* Omit return value checking, to keep code samples short */

  bsize = getacct(P_PID, pid, NULL, 0);

  buf = malloc(bsize);

  /* Retrieve exacct object and unpack */

  getacct(P_PID, pid, buf, bsize);

  ea_unpack_object(&scratch, unpk_flag, buf, bsize);

  /* Display the exacct record */


  if (scratch->eo_type == EO_GROUP) {



  ea_free_object(scratch, unpk_flag);


示例 3–2 确定内核生成期间的各项任务

本示例评估了内核生成并显示了描述此 make 任务要生成的那部分源代码树的字符串。显示正在生成的且在按源目录的分析中有帮助的源代码部分。



/* Omit return value checking and error processing */

/* to keep code sample short */

ptid = gettaskid();	/* Save "parent" task-id */

tid = settaskid(getprojid(), TASK_NORMAL);	/* Create new task */

/* Set data for item objects ptskid and cwd */

ea_set_item(&ptskid, EXT_UINT32 | EXC_LOCAL | MY_PTID, &ptid, 0);

ea_set_item(&cwd, EXT_STRING | EXC_LOCAL | MY_CWD, cwdbuf, strlen(cwdbuf));

/* Set grp object and attach ptskid and cwd to grp */

ea_set_group(&grp, EXT_GROUP | EXC_LOCAL |  EXD_GROUP_HEADER);

ea_attach_to_group(&grp, &ptskid);

ea_attach_to_group(&grp, &cwd);

/* Pack the object and put it back into the accounting stream */

ea_buflen = ea_pack_object(&grp, ea_buf, sizeof(ea_buf));

putacct(P_TASKID, tid, ea_buf, ea_buflen, EP_EXACCT_OBJECT);

/* Memory management: free memory allocate in ea_set_item */

ea_free_item(&cwd, EUP_ALLOC);


示例 3–3 读取和显示系统 exacct 文件的内容

本示例显示如何读取并显示进程或任务的系统 exacct 文件。


/* Omit return value checking and error processing */

/* to keep code sample short */

main(int argc, char *argv)


  ea_file_t ef;

  ea_object_t scratch;

  char *fname;


  fname = argv[1];

  ea_open(&ef, fname, NULL,  EO_NO_VALID_HDR, O_RDONLY, 0);

  bzero(&scratch, sizeof (ea_object_t));

  while (ea_get_object(&ef, &scratch)  != -1) {


	     if (scratch.eo_type == EO_GROUP)

	         disp_group(&ef, scratch.eo_group.eg_nobjs);

	     bzero(&scratch, sizeof (ea_object_t));




struct catalog_item {   /* convert Solaris catalog's type ID */

                        /* to a meaningful string */

	 int	type;

	 char *name;

 } catalog[] = {

	 { EXD_VERSION, 	"version\t" },


	 { EXD_PROC_PID,	"  pid\t" },



 static char *

 catalog_name(int type)


	 int i = 0;

	 while (catalog[i].type != EXD_NONE) {

		 if (catalog[i].type == type)

			 return (catalog[i].name);	




	 return ("unknown\t");


 static void disp_obj(ea_object_t *o)


	 printf("%s\t", catalog_name(o->eo_catalog & 0xffffff));

	 switch(o->eo_catalog & EXT_TYPE_MASK) {

	 case EXT_UINT8:

		 printf(" 8: %u", o->eo_item.ei_uint8);


	 case EXT_UINT16:



 static void disp_group(ea_file_t *ef, uint_t nobjs)


	 for (i = 0; i < nobjs; i++) {

		 ea_get_object(ef, &scratch));


		 if (scratch.eo_type == EO_GROUP)

                disp_group(ef, scratch.eo_group.eg_nobjs);

