
/etc/uucp/Dialers 文件示例

如何从 asppp 转换为 Solaris PPP 4.0 中所示的过程使用以下 /etc/uucp/Dialers 文件。


#<Much information about modems supported by Solaris UUCP>

penril	=W-P	"" \d > Q\c : \d- > s\p9\c )-W\p\r\ds\p9\c-) y\c : \E\TP > 9\c OK

ventel	=&-%	"" \r\p\r\c $ k\c ONLINE!

vadic	=K-K	"" \005\p *-\005\p-*\005\p-* D\p BER? \E\T\e \r\c LINE

develcon ""	"" \pr\ps\c est:\007 \E\D\e \n\007

micom	""	"" \s\c NAME? \D\r\c GO





#   Hayes Smartmodem -- modem should be set with the configuration

#   switches as follows:


#       S1 - UP		S2 - UP		S3 - DOWN	S4 - UP

#       S5 - UP		S6 - DOWN	S7 - ?		S8 - DOWN


hayes	=,-,	"" \dA\pTE1V1X1Q0S2=255S12=255\r\c OK\r \EATDT\T\r\c CONNECT

<much more information about modems supported by Solaris UUCP>

此文件包含所有类型调制解调器的聊天脚本,包括 /etc/uucp/Dialers 文件中支持的 Hayes 调制解调器。