

如果已经运行 bsmconv 命令启用了审计,则已经在系统上启用了设备分配。有关更多信息,请参见 bsmconv(1M) 手册页。

  1. 承担拥有审计控制权限配置文件的角色或成为超级用户。

    主管理员角色拥有审计控制权限配置文件。还可以将审计控制权限配置文件指定给所创建的角色。有关如何创建角色并将其指定给用户的信息,请参见示例 9–3

  2. 启用设备分配。

    # bsmconv
    This script is used to enable the Basic Security Module (BSM).
    Shall we continue with the conversion now? [y/n] y
    bsmconv: INFO: checking startup file.
    bsmconv: INFO: move aside /etc/rc3.d/S81volmgt.
    bsmconv: INFO: turning on audit module.
    bsmconv: INFO: initializing device allocation files.
    The Basic Security Module is ready.
    If there were any errors, please fix them now.
    Configure BSM by editing files located in /etc/security.
    Reboot this system now to come up with BSM enabled.

    注 –

    此命令禁用 Volume Management 守护进程 (/etc/rc3.d/S81volmgt)。