
示例-在 ftp 中设置保护级别

假定 joe 要使用 ftp 从计算机 denver.example.com 的目录 ~joe/MAIL 中获取其邮件并加密该会话。交换过程如下所示:

% ftp -f denver.example.com

Connected to denver.example.com

220 denver.example.org FTP server (Version 6.0) ready.

334 Using authentication type GSSAPI; ADAT must follow

GSSAPI accepted as authentication type 

GSSAPI authentication succeeded Name (daffodil.example.org:joe) 

232 GSSAPI user joe@MELPOMENE.EXAMPLE.COM is authorized as joe

230 User joe logged in.

Remote system type is UNIX.

Using BINARY mode to transfer files.

ftp> protect private

200 Protection level set to Private

ftp> cd ~joe/MAIL

250 CWD command successful.

ftp> get RMAIL

227 Entering Passive Mode (128,0,0,5,16,49)

150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for RMAIL (158336 bytes).

226 Transfer complete. 158336 bytes received in 1.9 seconds (1.4e+02 Kbytes/s)

ftp> quit


要加密该会话,joe 需要将保护级别设置为 private