

  1. 成为超级用户或承担等效角色。

  2. 取消挂载包含有缺陷扇区的片中的文件系统。

    # umount /dev/dsk/device-name

    有关更多信息,请参见 mount(1M)

  3. 调用 format 实用程序。

    # format
  4. 选择受影响的磁盘。

    Specify disk (enter its number):1
    selecting c0t2d0:
    [disk formatted]
    Warning: Current Disk has mounted partitions.
  5. 选择 analyze 菜单。

    format> analyze
  6. 通过在 analyze> 提示符下键入 setup 设置分析参数。


    analyze> setup
    Analyze entire disk [yes]? n
    Enter starting block number [0, 0/0/0]: 12330
    Enter ending block number [2052287, 2035/13/71]: 12360
    Loop continuously [no]? y
    Repair defective blocks [yes]? n
    Stop after first error [no]? n
    Use random bit patterns [no]? n
    Enter number of blocks per transfer [126, 0/1/54]: 1
    Verify media after formatting [yes]? y
    Enable extended messages [no]? n
    Restore defect list [yes]? y
    Create defect label [yes]? y
  7. 使用 read 命令查找缺陷。

    analyze> read
    Ready to analyze (won't harm SunOS). This takes a long time,
    but is interruptible with Control-C. Continue? y
            pass 0
            pass 1
    Block 12354  (18/4/18), Corrected media error (hard data ecc)
    Total of 1 defective blocks repaired.