Solaris 可调参数参考手册


不支持 priority_pagingcachefree

在 Solaris 9 发行版中,不支持 priority_pagingcachefree 可调参数。这些参数已被增强的文件系统高速缓存体系结构所代替,此体系结构实现与优先级分页类似的分页策略,但这些分页策略始终处于启用状态。尝试在 /etc/system 文件中设置这些参数时,将导致引导时警告,例如:

sorry, variable 'priority_paging' is not defined in the 'kernel'

sorry, variable 'cachefree' is not defined in the 'kernel'     

已对包含 /etc/system 文件的 SUNWcsr 软件包进行了修改,以禁止包含 priority_pagingcachefree 可调参数。如果升级到 Solaris 9 发行版或添加 SUNWcsr 软件包,并且 /etc/system 文件包含 priority_pagingcachefree 参数,则会出现以下情况:

  1. 如果在 /etc/system 文件中设置 priority_pagingcachefree 参数,则会显示以下消息:

    /etc/system has been modified since it contains references to priority 
    paging tunables. Please review the changed file.
  2. /etc/system 文件的任何设置 priority_pagingcachefree 的行前面插入注释。例如,如果将 priority_paging 设置为 1,则会在包含 priority_paging 值的行前面插入以下行:

*NOTE: As of Solaris 9, priority paging is unnecessary and has been removed.

* Since references to priority paging-related tunables will now result in 

* boot-time warnings, the assignment below has been commented out. For more 

* details,see the Solaris 9 Release Notes,or the "Solaris Tunable Parameters

* Reference Manual".

System V 共享内存
