Solaris 10 5/08 Installation Guide: Solaris Live Upgrade and Upgrade Planning

Upgrading by Using a JumpStart Profile

You can create a JumpStart profile to use with Solaris Live Upgrade. If you are familiar with the custom JumpStart program, this is the same profile that custom JumpStart uses. The following procedures enable you to create a profile, test the profile, and install by using the luupgrade command with the -j option.

Caution – Caution –

When you install the Solaris OS with a Solaris Flash archive, the archive and the installation media must contain identical OS versions. For example, if the archive is the Solaris 10 operating system and you are using DVD media, then you must use Solaris 10 DVD media to install the archive. If the OS versions do not match, the installation on the target system fails. Identical operating systems are necessary when you use the following keyword or command:

For more information see the following:

ProcedureTo Create a Profile to be Used by Solaris Live Upgrade

This procedure shows you how to create a profile for use with Solaris Live Upgrade. You can use this profile to upgrade an inactive boot environment by using the luupgrade command with the -j option.

For procedures to use this profile, see the following sections:

  1. Use a text editor to create a text file.

    Name the file descriptively. Ensure that the name of the profile reflects how you intend to use the profile to install the Solaris software on a system. For example, you might name this profile upgrade_Solaris_10.

  2. Add profile keywords and values to the profile.

    Only the upgrade keywords in the following tables can be used in a Solaris Live Upgrade profile.

    The following table lists the keywords you can use with the Install_type keyword values of upgrade or flash_install.

    Keywords for an Initial Archive Creation 



    (Required) Install_type

    Defines whether to upgrade the existing Solaris environment on a system or install a Solaris Flash archive on the system. Use the following values with this keyword: 

    • upgrade for an upgrade

    • flash_install for a Solaris Flash installation

    • flash_update for a Solaris Flash differential installation

    For a description of all the values for this keyword, see install_type Profile Keyword in Solaris 10 5/08 Installation Guide: Custom JumpStart and Advanced Installations.

    (Required for a Solaris Flash archive) archive_location

    Retrieves a Solaris Flash archive from a designated location.  

    For a list of values that can be used with this keyword, see archive_location Keyword in Solaris 10 5/08 Installation Guide: Custom JumpStart and Advanced Installations.

    (Optional) cluster (adding or deleting clusters)

    Designates whether a cluster is to be added or deleted from the software group that is to be installed on the system.  

    For a list of values that can be used with this keyword, see cluster Profile Keyword (Adding Software Groups) in Solaris 10 5/08 Installation Guide: Custom JumpStart and Advanced Installations.

    (Optional) geo

    Designates the regional locale or locales that you want to install on a system or to add when upgrading a system.  

    For a list of values that can be used with this keyword, see geo Profile Keyword in Solaris 10 5/08 Installation Guide: Custom JumpStart and Advanced Installations.

    (Optional) local_customization

    Before you install a Solaris Flash archive on a clone system, you can create custom scripts to preserve local configurations on the clone system. The local_customization keyword designates the directory where you have stored these scripts. The value is the path to the script on the clone system.

    For information about predeployment and postdeployment scripts, see Creating Customization Scripts in Solaris 10 5/08 Installation Guide: Solaris Flash Archives (Creation and Installation).

    (Optional) locale

    Designates the locale packages you want to install or add when upgrading.  

    For a list of values that can be used with this keyword, see locale Profile Keyword in Solaris 10 5/08 Installation Guide: Custom JumpStart and Advanced Installations.

    (Optional) package

    Designates whether a package is to be added to or deleted from the software group that is to be installed on the system.  

    For a list of values that can be used with this keyword, see package Profile Keyword in Solaris 10 5/08 Installation Guide: Custom JumpStart and Advanced Installations.

    The following table lists the keywords you can use with the Install_type keyword value flash_update.

    Keywords for a Differential Archive Creation 



    (Required) Install_type

    Defines the installation to install a Solaris Flash archive on the system. The value for a differential archive is flash_update.

    For a description of all the values for this keyword, see install_type Profile Keyword in Solaris 10 5/08 Installation Guide: Custom JumpStart and Advanced Installations.

    (Required) archive_location

    Retrieves a Solaris Flash archive from a designated location.  

    For a list of values that can be used with this keyword, see archive_location Keyword in Solaris 10 5/08 Installation Guide: Custom JumpStart and Advanced Installations.

    (Optional) forced_deployment

    Forces the installation of a Solaris Flash differential archive onto a clone system that is different than the software expects. If you use forced_deployment, all new files are deleted to bring the clone system to the expected state. If you are not certain that you want files to be deleted, use the default, which protects new files by stopping the installation.

    For more information about this keyword, see forced_deployment Profile Keyword (Installing Solaris Flash Differential Archives) in Solaris 10 5/08 Installation Guide: Custom JumpStart and Advanced Installations.

    (Optional) local_customization

    Before you install a Solaris Flash archive on a clone system, you can create custom scripts to preserve local configurations on the clone system. The local_customization keyword designates the directory where you have stored these scripts. The value is the path to the script on the clone system.

    For information about predeployment and postdeployment scripts, see Creating Customization Scripts in Solaris 10 5/08 Installation Guide: Solaris Flash Archives (Creation and Installation).

    (Optional) no_content_check

    When installing a clone system with a Solaris Flash differential archive, you can use the no_content_check keyword to ignore file-by-file validation. File-by-file validation ensures that the clone system is a duplicate of the master system. Avoid using this keyword unless you are sure the clone system is a duplicate of the original master system.

    For more information about this keyword, see no_content_check Profile Keyword (Installing Solaris Flash Archives) in Solaris 10 5/08 Installation Guide: Custom JumpStart and Advanced Installations.

    (Optional) no_master_check

    When installing a clone system with a Solaris Flash differential archive, you can use the no_master_check keyword to ignore a check of files. Clone system files are not checked. A check would ensure the clone was built from the original master system. Avoid using this keyword unless you are sure the clone system is a duplicate of the original master system.

    For more information about this keyword, see no_master_check Profile Keyword (Installing Solaris Flash Archives) in Solaris 10 5/08 Installation Guide: Custom JumpStart and Advanced Installations.

  3. Save the profile in a directory on the local system.

  4. Ensure that root owns the profile and that the permissions are set to 644.

  5. Test the profile (optional).

    For a procedure to test the profile, see To Test a Profile to Be Used by Solaris Live Upgrade.

Example 5–7 Creating a Solaris Live Upgrade Profile

In this example, a profile provides the upgrade parameters. This profile is to be used to upgrade an inactive boot environment with the Solaris Live Upgrade luupgrade command and the -u and -j options. This profile adds a package and a cluster. A regional locale and additional locales are also added to the profile. If you add locales to the profile, make sure that you have created a boot environment with additional disk space.

# profile keywords         profile values
# ----------------         -------------------
  install_type             upgrade
  package                  SUNWxwman add
  cluster                  SUNWCacc add
  geo                      C_Europe
  locale                   zh_TW
  locale                   zh_TW.BIG5
  locale                   zh_TW.UTF-8
  locale                   zh_HK.UTF-8
  locale                   zh_HK.BIG5HK
  locale                   zh
  locale                   zh_CN.GB18030
  locale                   zh_CN.GBK
  locale                   zh_CN.UTF-8

Example 5–8 Creating a Solaris Live Upgrade Profile to Install a Differential Archive

The following example of a profile is to be used by Solaris Live Upgrade to install a differential archive on a clone system. Only files that are specified by the differential archive are added, deleted, or changed. The Solaris Flash archive is retrieved from an NFS server. Because the image was built by the original master system, the clone system is not checked for a valid system image. This profile is to be used with the Solaris Live Upgrade luupgrade command and the -u and -j options.

# profile keywords         profile values
# ----------------         -------------------
 install_type              flash_update
 archive_location          nfs installserver:/export/solaris/archive/solarisarchive

To use the luupgrade command to install the differential archive, see To Install a Solaris Flash Archive With a Profile.

ProcedureTo Test a Profile to Be Used by Solaris Live Upgrade

After you create a profile, use the luupgrade command to test the profile. By looking at the installation output that is generated by luupgrade, you can quickly determine if a profile works as you intended.

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. Test the profile.

    # luupgrade -u -n BE_name -D -s os_image_path -j profile_path

    Upgrades an operating system image on a boot environment.

    -n BE_name

    Specifies the name of the boot environment that is to be upgraded.


    luupgrade command uses the selected boot environment's disk configuration to test the profile options that are passed with the -j option.

    -s os_image_path

    Specifies the path name of a directory that contains an operating system image. This directory can be on an installation medium, such as a DVD-ROM, CD-ROM, or it can be an NFS or UFS directory.

    -j profile_path

    Path to a profile that is configured for an upgrade. The profile must be in a directory on the local machine.

Example 5–9 Testing a Profile by Using Solaris Live Upgrade

In the following example, the profile is named Flash_profile. The profile is successfully tested on the inactive boot environment that is named second_disk.

# luupgrade -u -n u1b08 -D -s /net/installsvr/export/u1/combined.u1wos \
 -j /var/tmp/flash_profile
Validating the contents of the media /net/installsvr/export/u1/combined.u1wos.
The media is a standard Solaris media.
The media contains an operating system upgrade image.
The media contains Solaris version 10.
Locating upgrade profile template to use.
Locating the operating system upgrade program.
Checking for existence of previously scheduled Live Upgrade requests.
Creating upgrade profile for BE second_disk.
Determining packages to install or upgrade for BE second_disk.
Simulating the operating system upgrade of the BE second_disk.
The operating system upgrade simulation is complete.
INFORMATION: var/sadm/system/data/upgrade_cleanup contains a log of the
upgrade operation.
INFORMATION: var/sadm/system/data/upgrade_cleanup contains a log of
cleanup operations required.
The Solaris upgrade of the boot environment second_disk is complete.

You can now use the profile to upgrade an inactive boot environment.

ProcedureTo Upgrade With a Profile by Using Solaris Live Upgrade

This procedure provides step-by-step instructions for upgrading an OS by using a profile.

If you want to install a Solaris Flash archive by using a profile, see To Install a Solaris Flash Archive With a Profile.

If you added locales to the profile, make sure that you have created a boot environment with additional disk space.

Caution – Caution –

When you install the Solaris OS with a Solaris Flash archive, the archive and the installation media must contain identical OS versions. For example, if the archive is the Solaris 10 operating system and you are using DVD media, then you must use Solaris 10 DVD media to install the archive. If the OS versions do not match, the installation on the target system fails. Identical operating systems are necessary when you use the following keyword or command:

  1. Install the Solaris Live Upgrade SUNWlucfg, SUNWlur, and SUNWluu packages on your system. These packages must be from the release you are upgrading to. For step-by-step procedures, see To Install Solaris Live Upgrade With the pkgadd Command.

  2. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  3. Create a profile.

    See To Create a Profile to be Used by Solaris Live Upgrade for a list of upgrade keywords that can be used in a Solaris Live Upgrade profile.

  4. Type:

    # luupgrade -u -n BE_name -s os_image_path -j profile_path

    Upgrades an operating system image on a boot environment.

    -n BE_name

    Specifies the name of the boot environment that is to be upgraded.

    -s os_image_path

    Specifies the path name of a directory that contains an operating system image. This directory can be on an installation medium, such as a DVD-ROM, CD-ROM, or it can be an NFS or UFS directory.

    -j profile_path

    Path to a profile. The profile must be in a directory on the local machine. For information about creating a profile, see To Create a Profile to be Used by Solaris Live Upgrade.

Example 5–10 Upgrading a Boot Environment by Using a Custom JumpStart Profile

In this example, the second_disk boot environment is upgraded by using a profile. The -j option is used to access the profile. The boot environment is then ready to be activated. To create a profile, see To Create a Profile to be Used by Solaris Live Upgrade. The pkgadd command adds the Solaris Live Upgrade packages from the release you are upgrading to.

# pkgadd -d /server/packages SUNWlucfg SUNWlur SUNWluu
# luupgrade -u -n second_disk \ 
-s /net/installmachine/export/solarisX/OS_image \ 
-j /var/tmp/profile 

The boot environment is ready to be activated. See Activating a Boot Environment.