Solaris 10 5/08 安装指南:Solaris Live Upgrade 和升级规划

Procedure测试 Solaris Live Upgrade 要使用的配置文件

创建配置文件之后,使用 luupgrade 命令测试配置文件。通过检查 luupgrade 生成的安装输出,可以迅速确定配置文件是否按预期运行。

  1. 成为超级用户或承担等效角色。

    角色包含授权和具有一定权限的命令。有关角色的更多信息,请参见《系统管理指南:安全性服务》中的“配置 RBAC(任务列表)”

  2. 测试配置文件。

    # luupgrade -u -n BE_name -D -s os_image_path -j profile_path


    -n BE_name



    luupgrade 命令使用选定的引导环境磁盘配置来测试带有 -j 选项的配置文件选项。

    -s os_image_path

    指定包含操作系统映像的目录的路径名。此目录可以位于安装介质(如 DVD-ROM、CD-ROM)上,也可以是 NFS 或 UFS 目录。

    -j profile_path


示例 5–9 使用 Solaris Live Upgrade 测试配置文件

在以下示例中,将配置文件命名为 Flash_profile。该配置文件在名为 second_disk 的非活动的引导环境中测试成功。

# luupgrade -u -n u1b08 -D -s /net/installsvr/export/u1/combined.u1wos \
 -j /var/tmp/flash_profile
Validating the contents of the media /net/installsvr/export/u1/combined.u1wos.
The media is a standard Solaris media.
The media contains an operating system upgrade image.
The media contains Solaris version 10.
Locating upgrade profile template to use.
Locating the operating system upgrade program.
Checking for existence of previously scheduled Live Upgrade requests.
Creating upgrade profile for BE second_disk.
Determining packages to install or upgrade for BE second_disk.
Simulating the operating system upgrade of the BE second_disk.
The operating system upgrade simulation is complete.
INFORMATION: var/sadm/system/data/upgrade_cleanup contains a log of the
upgrade operation.
INFORMATION: var/sadm/system/data/upgrade_cleanup contains a log of
cleanup operations required.
The Solaris upgrade of the boot environment second_disk is complete.
